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A Curious Calling: Unconscious Motivations for Practicing Psychotherapy

作者: Michael Sussman 出版社: Jason Aronson 副标题: Unconscious Motivations for Practicing Psychotherapy 出版年: 2007-10-28 页数: 258 定价: USD 29.95 装帧: Paperback ISBN: 9780765705525

内容简介 · · · · · · "What brings you here?" is the standard question posed to patients at the outset of their therapeutic journey. In A Curious Calling, this question is posed to therapists themselves. Applicants to psychotherapy training programs commonly state that they wish "to help people"-but this tells us very little. What are the unconscious factors underlying the decision to become a psychotherapist? Guilt, compassion, a sense of moral duty, a sense of power? Or a wish to be needed, or to enjoy vicariously the prospect of receiving aid and comfort? For each individual with a "need to help" there exists a unique constellation of underlying motives and aims. Without exploring and facing up to these hidden sources of motivation, therapists run the risk of exploiting patients for their own needs. The only comprehensive text on this topic, Sussman's book presents a survey of motivations to practice psychotherapy, through an extensive review of the available literature and discussion of the results of a qualitative study of therapists conducted by the author.


对人性的好奇:想要理解人类行为、情感和思维模式背后的原因。 自我探索:通过帮助他人来更好地了解自己,解决自己的内心冲突。 修复过去的经历:试图通过帮助他人克服困难,来弥补自己或他人过去未能得到妥善处理的经历。 助人的欲望:有强烈的愿望去支持和改善他人的生活质量。 寻求意义:在为他人提供帮助的过程中找到生活的意义和价值。 这本书可能会深入探讨这些以及其他潜在的无意识动机,揭示它们如何影响一个人选择进入心理治疗领域,并且可能还会讨论这些动机对治疗师个人及他们与患者之间的关系产生的影响。如果你对这个话题感兴趣,建议详细阅读该书以获得更深刻的见解。