约瑟福维茨与迈兰共同编写的《简化认知行为疗法》为新手和资深从业者提供了一本极具价值的指南。本书语言平实、内容生动,通过丰富的临床案例、资源和应用实例,使读者能多次回访。作者的经验和洞察力不仅体现在指导读者如何将CBT应用于客户身上,也在于教会读者如何自我应用这些技巧。书中每个章节都按照CBT咨询的标准流程设计,就像指导客户一样引领读者学习。通过优雅的文风,这本书成功地将CBT的概念化繁为简。 ——德博拉·多布森博士,注册心理学家,卡尔加里大学心理学系兼职教授;基思·多布森博士,注册心理学家,卡尔加里大学临床心理学教授
《简化认知行为疗法》提供了一套清晰且结构化的学习与实践CBT的方法。尼娜和大卫不仅采用了积极的学习策略和视听技术,还提供了大量实践新技能的机会。除此之外,网络上还有丰富的补充资料可供学习者使用。无论是首次接触CBT的治疗师,还是想要复习CBT核心概念和实践的资深专业人士,这本书都是不可多得的资源。 ——恩里德·格兰特,社会工作硕士,注册社会工作者,斯凯拉克儿童、青年及家庭机构儿童心理健康高级主管
约瑟福维茨和迈兰在教授CBT技巧方面采用了独特的教学法,这种互动式的学习方式在之前的文献中鲜有见到。书中每个章节都像一次完整的CBT会谈,包括设定目标、进行体验练习和布置家庭作业。本书以步骤明确、易于理解的形式介绍CBT,非常适合新手治疗师和希望巩固技能的资深临床医生。我强烈建议阅读《简化认知行为疗法》! ——马丁·M·安托尼博士,瑞尔森大学心理学教授
这本书不仅仅是一本书,更像一个课程,它倡导体验式学习CBT的方法。配合额外的在线资源(例如视频和讲义),它能全面吸引CBT的学习者和教师。随着CBT实践的日益普及,这本书成为了必备读物。 ——桑贾伊·拉奥博士,皇家渥太华心理健康中心情绪障碍与焦虑症项目临床主任,渥太华大学精神病学副教授,加拿大认知行为疗法协会执行委员
尽管有关CBT的书籍层出不穷,但市场依然迫切需要一本清晰且实用的指南。这本书以极其出色的方式满足了这一需求。其注重实践、技能培养和体验式学习的特点,将特别有助于初学者,同时也为不同层次和背景的从业者提供了深造的机会。 ——迈克尔·罗森布鲁斯博士,FRCPC,多伦多东区总医院精神科主任,多伦多大学副教授
《简化认知行为疗法》提出了一个新颖且先进的理解与应用CBT的方法,采用了有效的成人学习模式。对于初次接触CBT的临床人员来说,这本书是一个独特而实用的资源,同样适用于已经积累了多年经验的专业人士。我非常推荐这本书! ——马修·麦凯博士,心理学家,多本畅销书的作者之一
认知行为疗法(Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, CBT)是一种心理治疗方法,旨在通过改变个体的思维模式和行为反应来改善心理状态。《简化认知行为疗法》这本书不仅强调了CBT的基本理论,而且重点介绍了如何将这些理论转化为实际操作。书中的每个章节都模拟了一次完整的CBT会谈,从设定目标开始,到实施具体的练习,再到布置家庭作业,整个过程都体现了CBT的核心理念。
“Josefowitz and Myran have written a tremendously useful and practical book for new and seasoned practitioners alike. CBT Made Simple is accessible, engaging, and provides a wealth of clinical exam- ples, resources, and applications that will be turned to time and time again. The authors’ experience and wisdom shines through in providing guidance to help the reader apply cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) not only to their clients, but to learn through applications on themselves. Each chapter follows the structure of a CBT session, and guides the reader through learning in the same way that they will teach their clients. CBT is made simple through this elegantly written book!” —Deborah Dobson, PhD, RPsych, adjunct professor in the department of psychology at the University of Calgary, and coauthor of Evidence-Based Practice of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy; and Keith Dobson, PhD, RPsych, professor of clinical psychology at the University of Calgary, and editor of Handbook of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies “This book provides a clear and structured approach to learning and practicing CBT. Nina and David have incorporated active learning strategies, visual and auditory techniques, and lots of opportunities to practice new skills. In addition, a wealth of resources is available online to supplement the text. This book is an invaluable resource for therapists learning CBT for the first time, and for those more expe- rienced who need a refresher in the core principles and practices of CBT.” —Enid Grant MSW, RSW, senior director of Children’s Mental Health at Skylark Children, Youth & Families “Josefowitz and Myran’s innovative approach to teaching CBT skills engages the reader in a way that I haven’t seen in previous books on the topic. Each chapter of the book is organized like a CBT session— setting an agenda, presenting experiential exercises, and assigning homework. The book describes CBT in a step-by-step, accessible way that is sure to be helpful for both new therapists and seasoned clini- cians wanting to brush up on their skills. I highly recommend CBT Made Simple!” —Martin M. Antony, PhD, professor of psychology at Ryerson University, and coauthor of The Shyness and Social Anxiety Workbook and The Anti-Anxiety Workbook “This is a program hidden in a book, which encourages an experiential approach to CBT learning. With the additional web resources (videos, handouts) it will thoroughly engage CBT learners and teachers. A ‘must-have’ text in the era of expanding CBT practice” —Sanjay Rao, MD, clinical director of the Mood and Anxiety Program at Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre, associate professor of psychiatry at the University of Ottawa, and executive member of the Canadian Association of Cognitive Behavioural Therapies“Much has been written on CBT. Still there is a need—indeed a hunger—for a clear and practical how-to book. This volume fills that need remarkably well. Its pragmatic, skill-based, experiential approach will be extremely helpful especially for clinicians new to CBT for whom it is intended. However, clinicians with all levels of sophistication and experience will find much to deepen their knowledge and practice.” —Michael Rosenbluth, MD, FRCPC, chief of the department of psychiatry at Toronto East General Hospital, and associate professor at the University of Toronto “CBT Made Simple offers an innovative, cutting-edge method of understanding and using CBT using the effective adult learning model. This unique and practical resource will be of great help to clinicians who are new to CBT, as well as those who’ve been practicing for years. I highly recommend this book!” —Matthew McKay, PhD, psychologist and coauthor of several books, including The CBT Anxiety Solution Workbook, Thoughts and Feelings, and Self-Esteem