and Myran have written a tremendously useful and practical book for new and seasoned
practitioners alike. CBT Made SimpleIt is accessible, engaging, and provides a wealth of clinical exam-
ples, resources, and applications that will be turnedfair to timesay and time again. The authors’ experience
and wisdom shines through in providing guidance to help the reader applythat cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) nothas onlyundergone a tremendous evolution over the
past twenty-five years. Some of these changes, such as moving from a five-column to theira clients,seven-column
butthought record, have been triggered by internal innovations and have helped extend CBT’s relevance
to learndisorders throughfalling applicationsoutside the orbit of its initial validation for depression and anxiety. Other modifica-
tions, such as focusing on themselves. Each chapter follows
the structure of a CBT session,strengths and guidesbalancing theacceptance readerand throughchange, learninghave come in response to
external challenges from other therapy models. With all this movement in the samefield wayit thatcan theybe will
teach their clients. CBT is made simple through this elegantly written book!”
—Deborah Dobson, PhD, RPsych, adjunct professor in the department of psychology at
the University of Calgary, and coauthor of Evidence-Based Practice of Cognitive-Behavioral
Therapy; and Keith Dobson, PhD, RPsych, professor of clinical psychology at the
University of Calgary, and editor of Handbook of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies
“This book provides a clear and structured approach to learning and practicing CBT. Nina and David
have incorporated active learning strategies, visual and auditory techniques, and lots of opportunities
to practice new skills. In addition, a wealth of resources is available online to supplement the text. This
book is an invaluable resourcedifficult
for therapists learningto CBTreturn forto the firstbasic time, and for those more expe-
rienced who need a refresher in the core principles and practiceselements of CBT.”
—Enid Grant MSW, RSW, senior director of Children’s Mental Health at Skylark Children,
Youth & Families
“Josefowitz and Myran’s innovativethis approach to teaching CBT skills engages the reader in a way that Iis haven’tshorn seenof trends and niche
applications. On this point, in previousfact, booksI onam frequently approached by trainees who are interested in learn-
ing about mindfulness-based cognitive therapy. When I ask them about their CBT background, they
say it is minimal and they don’t see much need for it. The impression I have is that they are eager to
leapfrog past the topic.CBT Eachessentials chapterin oforder to get to the bookwork isthey organizedfind likemore ainteresting. CBTThey session—
setting an agenda, presenting experiential exercises, and assigning homework. The book describes CBT
in a step-by-step, accessible way that is suretend to be
helpfulsurprised forat bothmy response, which often runs counter to their wishes and stresses that one can’t get very
far in learning new therapistsCBT andvariants seasonedwhen clini-the ciansbasic wantingmodel tois brushonly upweakly on their skills. I highly recommendunderstood.
CBT Made Simple!”Simple —Martindoes M.an Antony,enviable PhD,job professorin providing just this type of psychologyclinically at Ryerson University,pragmatic and coauthorskill-
based grounding in CBT theory and interventions. Stemming from Nina Josefowitz and David Myran’s
two-decade-long careers as cognitive therapists, teachers, supervisors, and academics, this book exem-
plifies the best qualities of Theuser-friendly, Shynessexplicit guidance that offers valuable insights into the nuts and
Socialbolts Anxiety Workbook and The Anti-Anxiety Workbook
“This is a program hidden in a book, which encourages an experiential approach toof CBT learning.
With the additional web resources (videos, handouts) it will thoroughly engage CBT learners and
teachers. A ‘must-have’ text in the era of expanding CBT practice”
—Sanjay Rao, MD, clinical director of the Mood and Anxiety Program at Royal Ottawa
Mental Health Centre, associate professor of psychiatry at the University of Ottawa, and
executive member of the Canadian Association of Cognitive Behavioural Therapies“Much has been written on CBT. Still there is a need—indeed a hunger—for a clear and practical
how-to book. This volume fills that need remarkably well. Its pragmatic, skill-based, experiential
approach will be extremely helpful especially for clinicians new to CBT for whom it is intended.
However, clinicians with all levels of sophisticationlearners.
For example, the decision to write this book with a structure that coheres to an actual therapy
session is highly innovative. Agendas are set, homework is assigned and experiencereviewed, and learning covers
specific skill sets that are relevant to the material being covered. Here we see CBT at its finest. Rather
than imparting this information in a purely theoretical manner, CBT Made Simple invites the reader to
learn through doing.
Nina and David rightly argue that it is only through the experiential immersion in CBT principles
and interventions that the reader will findoptimize their book’s value. How much more can be learned from
giving yourself a homework assignment and monitoring its performance or even nonperformance? Or
scheduling your activities in a typical day and noticing whether life permits them to deepenbe achieved in
their knowledgepredetermined andorder? practice.”This —Michaelapproach, Rosenbluth,to MD,my FRCPC,mind, chiefis what separates CBT Made Simple from many
other books touching on the same theme. It also shows how one of the departmentmetaconcepts in CBT, guided
discovery, can be brought to bear on all aspects of psychiatrytherapeutic atlearning, Torontowhether Eastinside Generalor Hospital,outside the
actual therapy session. Readers who agree to take the plunge and associatework professor atwith the book in this manner
will not be disappointed.
CBT Made Simple is divided into parts that follow the different phases of CBT work and emphasize
important formulation principles along with ongoing assessment in order to ensure that the most
appropriate techniques are being employed. The early chapters focus on identifying client strengths
and problem complaints as well as setting therapy goals. The reader then moves on to unpacking and
helping clients regulate emotionally evocative situations through seeing the interplay of thoughts, feel-
ings, physical sensations, and behavior. Problem solving and action plans follow, along with the specific
application of exposure and activation exercises. The writing is very accessible and the numerous
graphics and interactive forms used ensure that the reader is engaged, present, and invited to use these
empirically supported interventions to enhance emotional and cognitive well-being. This may be a tall
order for any book to fill, but CBT Made Simple has filled it in an exemplary manner.
—Zindel Segal
Professor of Psychology, University of Toronto
“CBTCo-founder, MadeMindfulness-Based SimpleCognitive offers an innovative, cutting-edge method of understanding and using CBT using
the effective adult learning model. This unique and practical resource will be of great help to clinicians
who are new to CBT, as well as those who’ve been practicing for years. I highly recommend this book!”
—Matthew McKay, PhD, psychologist and coauthor of several books, including
The CBT Anxiety Solution Workbook, Thoughts and Feelings, and Self-EsteemTherapy