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  • Aron, A., Melinat, E., Aron, E. N., Vallone, R. D., & Bator, R. J. (1997). 人际亲密关系的实验生成:一种程序及初步发现。《人格与社会心理学通报》,23(4),363–377。
  • Kanter, J. W., Landes, S. J., Busch, A. M., Rusch, L. C., Brown, K. R., Baruch, D. E., 等. (2006). 在抑郁症门诊心理治疗中,条件性强化对目标变量的影响:使用功能性分析心理治疗的成功和不成功案例。《应用行为分析杂志》,39(4),463–467。
  • Kanter, J. W., Tsai, M., Holman, G., & Koerner, K. (2013). 基于网络的功能性分析心理治疗培训的随机试点研究初步数据。《心理治疗:研究、理论、实践与培训》,50(2),248–255。
  • Kanter, J. W., Tsai, M., & Kohlenberg, R. J. (编). (2010). 功能性分析心理治疗实践。纽约:斯普林格出版社。
  • Kohlenberg, R. J., Tsai, M., Kuczynski, A. M., Rae, J. R., Lagbas, E., Lo, J., & Kanter, J. W. (2015). 一个简短的人际导向正念干预:结合功能性分析心理治疗的觉察、勇气和爱模型。《情境行为科学杂志》,4(2),107–111。
  • Kolts, R. (2016). 《简化CFT:临床指南之同情聚焦疗法》。奥克兰,加利福尼亚:新港湾出版社。
  • Maitland, D., Kanter, J., Tsai, M., Kuczynski, A., Manbeck, K., & Kohlenberg, R. J. (即将出版). 在线功能性分析心理治疗培训对治疗师能力影响的初步发现。《心理学记录》。
  • Nelson, K. M., Yang, J. P., Maliken, A. C., Tsai, M., & Kohlenberg, R. J. (2014). 功能性分析心理治疗中结构化诱发活动的介绍。《认知与行为实践》,23(4),459–463。
  • Skinner, B. F. (1974). 《瓦尔登二号》。印第安纳波利斯,印第安纳州:哈克特出版社。
  • Tsai, M., Fleming, A., Cruz, R., Hitch, J., & Kohlenberg, R. (2014). 功能性分析心理治疗(FAP):利用觉察、勇气、爱和行为主义促进改变。见N. C. Thoma & D. McKay (编),《认知行为疗法中的情绪工作》。纽约:吉尔福德出版社。
  • Tsai, M., Gustafsson, T., Kanter, J., Plummer Loudon, M., & Kohlenberg, R. J. (即将出版). 与客户说再见:功能性分析心理治疗(FAP)视角。《心理治疗》。
  • Tsai, M., Kohlenberg, R. J., Kanter, J. W., Holman, G. I., & Loudon, M. P. (2012). 功能性分析心理治疗:独特特征。伦敦:劳特利奇出版社。
  • Tsai, M., Mandell, T., Maitland, D., Kanter, J., & Kohlenberg, R. J. (即将出版). 减少无意的临床错误:来自功能性分析心理治疗(FAP)的指南。《心理治疗》。
  • Tsai, M., McKelvie, M., Kohlenberg, R., & Kanter, J. (2014). 功能性分析心理治疗:在治疗中使用觉察、勇气和爱。《心理治疗促进协会》。。
  • Tsai, M., Yard, S., & Kohlenberg, R. J. (2014). 功能性分析心理治疗:一种行为关系治疗方法。《心理治疗》,51(3),364–371。

Additional Reading Aron, A., Melinat, E., Aron, E. N., Vallone, R. D., & Bator, R. J. (1997). The experimental genera- tion of interpersonal closeness: A procedure and some preliminary findings. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 23(4), 363–­377. Kanter, J. W., Landes, S. J., Busch, A. M., Rusch, L. C., Brown, K. R., Baruch, D. E., et al. (2006). The effect of contingent reinforcement on target variables in outpatient psychotherapy for depression: A successful and unsuccessful case using functional analytic psychotherapy. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 39(4), 463–­467. Kanter, J. W., Tsai, M., Holman, G., & Koerner, K. (2013). Preliminary data from a randomized pilot study of web-­based functional analytic psychotherapy therapist training. Psychotherapy: Research, Theory, Practice, Training, 50(2), 248–­255. Kanter, J. W., Tsai, M., & Kohlenberg, R. J. (Eds.). (2010). The practice of functional analytic psychotherapy. New York: Springer. Kohlenberg, R. J., Tsai, M., Kuczynski, A. M., Rae, J. R., Lagbas, E., Lo, J., & Kanter, J. W. (2015) A brief, interpersonally oriented mindfulness intervention Incorporating Functional Analytic Psychotherapy’s model of awareness, courage and love. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 4(2), 107–111. Kolts, R. (2016). CFT made simple: A clinician’s guide to compassion-­focused therapy. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger. Maitland, D., Kanter, J., Tsai, M., Kuczynski, A., Manbeck, K. Kohlenberg, R. J. (in press). Preliminary findings on the effects of online Functional Analytic Psychotherapy training on therapist competency. The Psychological Record. Nelson, K. M., Yang, J. P., Maliken, A. C., Tsai, M.,& Kohlenberg, R. J. (2014). Introduction to using structured evocative activities in Functional Analytic Psychotherapy. Cognitive & Behavioral Practice, 23(4), 459–463. Skinner, B. F. (1974). Walden two. Indianapolis, IN: Hackett. Tsai, M., Fleming, A., Cruz, R., Hitch, J., & Kohlenberg, R. (2014) Functional analytic psycho- therapy (FAP): Using awareness, courage, love, and behaviorism to promote change. In N. C. Thoma & D. McKay (Eds.), Working with emotion in cognitive behavioral therapy. New York: Guildford. Tsai, M., Gustafsson, T., Kanter, J., Plummer Loudon, M., Kohlenberg, R. J. (in press). Saying good goodbyes to your clients: A Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP) perspective. Psychotherapy. Tsai, M., Kohlenberg, R. J., Kanter, J. W., Holman, G. I., & Loudon, M. P. (2012). Functional analytic psychotherapy: Distinctive features. London: Routledge. Tsai, M., Mandell, T., Maitland, D., Kanter, J., & Kohlenberg R. J. (in press). Reducing inadvertent clinical errors: Guidelines from functional analytic psychotherapy (FAP). Psychotherapy. Tsai, M., McKelvie, M., Kohlenberg, R., & Kanter, J. (2014). Functional analytic psychotherapy: Using awareness, courage, and love in treatment. Society for the Advancement of Psychotherapy. unctional-­a naly tic-­p sychotherapy-­f ap-­u sing -­awareness-­courage-­love-­treatment. Tsai, M., Yard, S., & Kohlenberg, R. J. (2014). Functional analytic psychotherapy: A behavioral relational approach to treatment. Psychotherapy, 51(3), 364–­371.