40. 保密及其他伦理问题
许多有经验的咨询师会同意承诺完全保密是不道德的(Shillito-Clarke, 2009)。确实,保密在以下情况下会受到影响:
- 记录保存的需要
- 咨询师自身监督的要求
- 保护他人的需要
- 与其他专业人士的合作
- 参与教育培训项目、会议、研讨会和研讨会
- 法律要求披露信息的情况
- 对寻求帮助的人的尊重
- 人际咨询关系的界限
- 咨询师的责任
- 咨询师的能力
- 转介
- 咨询的终止
- 法律义务
- 自我推广
不幸的是,当咨询关系超出咨询情境的界限时,几乎总是对寻求帮助的人无益且有害。如果发生这种情况,咨询师关注对方需求的能力会大大减弱,对方可能会遭受严重的心理后果。 作为咨询师,有时很难拒绝形成比咨询情境允许的更亲密关系的邀请。然而,重要的是要记住,如果我们不设置适当的界限,我们就会以牺牲寻求帮助的人的需求来满足我们自己的需求。我们将滥用我们作为专业人士的信任地位,并且我们必须面对这一事实及其可能带来的更严重的后果。不幸的是,当咨询师违反适当的界限时,他们可能会损害或削弱咨询过程的有效性,减少寻求帮助的人将来寻求更多咨询帮助的可能性。如果你注意到你与寻求帮助的人的关系变得过于亲密,请注意危险信号,并在适当的情况下与你的主管和寻求帮助的人讨论这个问题。 咨询师在身体接触寻求帮助的人时需要谨慎。不受欢迎的触摸不仅是不道德的,还可能被视为性骚扰。
- 违反雇佣你的组织的政策
- 违法
- 危及社区其他成员
- 你自己无法做到
为了使咨询最有效,需要高度的保密性。保密性受限于:记录保存的需要;专业监督;法律;保护他人;参与培训会议;与其他专业人士的合作。 专业伦理涉及以下问题:对寻求帮助的人的尊重;与他们关系的界限;对他们负责;对雇主机构和社区负责;能力;转介给他人;咨询的终止;法律义务;自我推广。
Bond, T. 2015, Standards and Ethics for Counselling in Action, 4th edn, SAGE, London. Corey, G., Corey, M.S., Corey, C. & Callanan, P. 2015, Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions, 9th edn, Cengage Learning, Stamford, CT. Shillito-Clarke, C. 2009, 'Ethical issues in counselling psychology', in K. Woolfc, S. Strawbridge, B. Doughs & W. Dryden (eds), Handbook of Counseling Psychology, 3rd edn, SAGE, London.
1. 保密的重要性
- 信任基础:为了使咨询达到最佳效果,寻求帮助的人必须感到安全,知道他们告诉咨询师的信息会被高度保密。这种信任是建立良好咨询关系的基础。
- 理想与现实:在一个理想的世界里,寻求帮助的人会得到完全的保密,从而能够自由地与咨询师探讨最私密的内心世界。然而,实际情况中,完全的保密往往是不可能、不建议或不道德的。
2. 保密的两难境地
- 开放与限制:咨询师在保密问题上面临两难境地。如果不向寻求帮助的人保证他们告诉我们的信息会保密,他们不太可能对我们坦诚相待。然而,我们可以提供的保密程度是有限的,需要清楚地告知这些限制。
- 专业责任:作为咨询师,我们需要意识到我们提供的保密的限制,并在咨询过程中明确告知这些限制。这有助于建立透明和信任的关系。
3. 保密的限制
绝对保密的不可能性:许多有经验的咨询师会同意承诺完全保密是不道德的(Shillito-Clarke, 2009)。确实,保密在以下情况下会受到影响:
- 记录保存的需要:咨询过程中需要保存记录,这些记录可能被其他咨询师或非咨询人员访问。
- 咨询师自身监督的要求:咨询师需要接受监督,这可能涉及讨论咨询过程中的信息。
- 保护他人的需要:在某些情况下,为了保护他人,需要披露某些信息。
- 与其他专业人士的合作:在多学科团队中工作时,信息共享是必要的。
- 参与教育培训项目、会议、研讨会和研讨会:这些活动可能需要分享案例研究。
- 法律要求披露信息的情况:在法律要求的情况下,必须披露某些信息。
4. 记录保存的需要
- 记录的重要性:如第38章所述,记录保存有充分的理由。记录可以帮助咨询师跟踪咨询进程,确保服务质量和连续性。
- 信息安全:在机构工作的咨询师经常使用计算机系统或中央文件系统来保存这些记录。这可能使得其他咨询师和非咨询人员,如接待员和档案员,能够访问机密记录。
- 保护措施:为了保护寻求帮助的人,计算机记录需要由适当的安全系统保护。同样,纸质记录不应随意放置在未经授权的人可以阅读的地方,而应存放在带锁的文件柜或安全的文件室中。
- 权衡利弊:虽然记录保存有其必要性,但咨询师需要权衡利弊,确保敏感信息得到有效保护,同时不影响咨询的质量和效果。
1. 全面披露的必要性
- 专业监督:如第41章所述,专业监督的要求规定,咨询师必须能够完全向他们的监督者披露与寻求帮助的人有关的材料。这是提供最佳服务所必需的,也是咨询师自身福祉的必要条件。
- 信任与透明:一些咨询师会公开与寻求帮助的人讨论专业监督的要求,有时让寻求帮助的人知道他们的咨询师正在接受监督会让他们感到安心。这种透明度有助于建立信任,使求助者更加放心地分享个人信息。
2. 咨询师的监督对求助者最有利
- 高质量服务:咨询师的监督有助于提供高质量的服务。通过监督,咨询师可以获得专业的指导和支持,提高咨询技巧,更好地满足求助者的需求。
- 自我关怀:监督也是咨询师自身福祉的必要条件。咨询师在处理复杂的心理问题时,可能会承受巨大的压力,监督可以帮助他们缓解压力,保持心理健康。
1. 咨询师的责任
- 双重责任:有经验的咨询师有时会与有自杀倾向的人、危险的人以及对他人犯下严重罪行并可能再次实施此类行为的人合作。咨询师对寻求帮助的人和社区都有责任。
- 保护他人:因此,可能有需要披露信息以保护寻求帮助的人免受自我伤害,或保护第三方的情况。咨询师需要在保护求助者隐私和保护他人安全之间找到平衡。
2. 信息披露的必要性
- 具体例子:例如,如果咨询师知道寻求帮助的人拥有枪支并打算杀人,那么不告知风险人员、警察和精神病专家将是不道德和不负责任的。在这种情况下,咨询师需要迅速采取行动,确保潜在的风险得到妥善处理。
- 咨询与决策:强烈建议在不会造成不当延误的情况下与监督者或有经验的从业者进行咨询。通过咨询,咨询师可以得到专业的意见和建议,确保决策的合理性和有效性。
3. 平衡自主与安全
- 尊重自主:目标是在确保寻求帮助的人获得尽可能尊重其自主能力的高水平护理的同时,确保可能处于风险中的其他人的安全。咨询师需要在尊重求助者的自主权和保护公共安全之间找到平衡点。
- 伦理考量:在处理这类问题时,咨询师需要遵循伦理准则,确保自己的行为符合职业道德标准。
1. 多方合作的重要性
- 信息共享:精神科医生、医疗从业者、心理学家、社会工作者、神职人员和福利工作者经常联系咨询师,讨论寻求帮助的人,同时也寻求咨询师的帮助。有时,让其他专业人士适当了解这些人的情况对他们是有利的。
- 协同效应:咨询师与这些助人专业人士保持良好的工作关系也是可取的。多方合作可以整合资源,提供更全面的支持和服务。
2. 信息共享的伦理考量
- 明智判断:需要明智地判断哪些信息可以披露,哪些信息应该保留。重要的是尽量避免损害求助者对你的信任,并尊重他们的权利。
- 知情同意:如果咨询师认为与其他专业人士分享有关寻求帮助的人的敏感信息是有利的,除非有特殊且令人信服的理由不这样做,否则应征得相关人员的同意。获得他们的同意涉及告知他们你希望做什么以及为什么。这样他们才能给予知情同意。
3. 书面确认的重要性
- 避免误解:最好将这种知情同意以书面形式确认,以避免误解。许多机构都有标准的同意书,可以在信息共享时使用。
- 签署协议:通常的做法是与相关人员讨论此表格,然后由双方签字。这有助于确保信息共享的过程透明且合规。
4. 家庭治疗与团队合作
- 家庭治疗:如果家庭成员中有两人或多人需要咨询帮助,家庭治疗可能是有用的。家庭治疗可以解决家庭内部的问题,促进家庭成员之间的沟通和理解。
- 团队合作:然而,如果家庭治疗不可行或被认为不合适,那么涉及家庭个别成员的助人专业人士如果相互咨询、举行个案会议并作为一个团队合作,可能会取得更成功的结果。如果要进行这样的合作和团队合作,整个过程需要对所有涉及的家庭成员透明,并获得他们对信息共享的同意。
5. 避免重复咨询
- 单一咨询师:有时你可能会发现寻求咨询帮助的人也在咨询另一位咨询师。很少有理由让两位咨询师同时为同一个人提供服务,因此在与相关人员讨论后,合理的做法是联系另一位咨询师,决定谁将接手这个案件。
- 特殊情况:然而,就像大多数情况一样,也有例外。在少数情况下,如果两位咨询师保持良好的联系,他们可以继续参与,前提是他们同意设定各自工作的明确界限和目标。这种安排需要特别谨慎,确保不会对求助者造成混淆或不必要的压力。
1. 持续培训与技能提升
- 成长与发展:咨询师需要作为个人和作为咨询师成长和发展。这可以通过个人监督和在会议、研讨会、工作坊和个案会议上进行的大组分享部分实现。
- 信息共享:在这些活动中,向寻求或正在寻求帮助的人展示的材料有时可以通过更改姓名和其他细节来伪装,但往往这是不可能的,特别是在使用咨询会话的DVD录像时。
2. 伦理与法律问题
- 伦理考量:我们应该强调,在没有事先获得寻求或正在寻求帮助的人的书面同意的情况下,以这种方式使用材料是不道德的。
- 法律问题:如果没有获得同意,可能会出现法律和伦理问题。因此,咨询师在使用这些材料时必须非常谨慎,确保遵守伦理和法律规定。
1. 法律干预
- 法院作证:保密可能因法律干预而受限。有时,咨询师会被传唤到法院作证,在这种情况下,隐瞒信息可能被视为藐视法庭。
- 强制报告:此外,某些国家或州的一些职业咨询师在涉及如儿童虐待等问题时,需要进行强制报告。这是为了保护弱势群体,防止进一步的伤害。
1. 保密的限制
- 合理、合法、道德:显然,从前面的讨论可以看出,咨询中的保密有很多限制。然而,咨询师的任务是在合理、合法和道德允许的范围内确保保密。
- 保证保密:向寻求你帮助的人保证你会尽最大努力做到这一点,因为他们需要感到无论他们与你分享什么信息都是受保护的,不会被随意或不必要的透露给他人。
2. 不道德的行为
- 伦理底线:除了本章前面描述的情况外,与任何人士谈论寻求帮助的人或与他们相关的材料都是不道德的。一个人与你分享的信息是个人财产,不得随意分享。
- 与主管讨论:因此,如果你确实需要谈论一个寻求帮助的人或他们的问题,应与你的主管交谈。这有助于确保信息的处理符合伦理和法律要求。
3. 实践建议
- 开诚布公:你需要与你的主管协商,做出关于如何最好地处理保密问题的决定。我们的政策是与寻求我们帮助的人开诚布公,并解释适用的保密限制。
- 具体情境:例如,当我们为有一个特定保密政策的机构工作时,我们会小心地告知寻求帮助的人该机构的政策。作为私人执业者,如果我们认为出于道德上可接受和专业的原因披露信息是有用或明智的,我们会获得相关人员的知情同意。
1. 保密问题
- 详细讨论:保密问题已经详细讨论过,这是咨询师最重要的伦理问题之一。
- 其他伦理问题:然而,咨询师还面临许多其他伦理问题,新咨询师需要了解这些。许多咨询师属于具有伦理行为守则的专业协会,这些守则可以根据请求轻松获取,新咨询师阅读相关职业的守则是明智的。
2. 重要的伦理问题
- 对寻求帮助的人的尊重
- 人际咨询关系的界限
- 咨询师的责任
- 咨询师的能力
- 转介
- 咨询的终止
- 法律义务
- 自我推广
3. 对寻求帮助的人的尊重
- 基本尊重:无论寻求帮助的人是谁,无论他们的行为如何,他们都来找你寻求帮助,理应被当作有价值的人对待。
- 最大化潜力:如果你珍视他们,通过感受到价值,他们将获得最大化其个人潜力的最佳条件。大多数助人专业人士都认为,我们每个人都有向善的潜力,为了实现这一潜力,我们需要对自己感觉良好。
- 促进自尊:因此,咨询师有责任促进那些寻求帮助的人对自己感觉良好,增加他们的自尊感。
4. 避免强加价值观
- 负面影响:如果我们试图将自己的道德价值观强加于寻求帮助的人,我们很可能会让他们感到被评判,损害他们的自尊。此外,他们可能会拒绝我们作为咨询师,并拒绝我们的价值观。
- 积极影响:相反,如果我们能够接受他们,无论他们持有何种价值观,随着时间的推移,他们可能会在信念上更接近我们。这是不可避免的,因为无论我们是否愿意,作为咨询师,我们都是寻求帮助的人的榜样。我们有责任成为好的榜样。
5. 尊重求助者的反馈
- 创造机会:为寻求帮助的人创造机会,让他们对咨询过程的经验提供反馈是有用的。通过这样做,我们可以展示对他们观点和在咨询关系中拥有一定影响力的尊重。
- 示范作用:咨询师通过尊重求助者的反馈,不仅展示了对求助者的尊重,也树立了良好的榜样。
6. 优先考虑求助者的利益
- 利益优先:我们需要记住,在咨询过程中,寻求帮助的人的利益必须优先于咨询师的利益。
- 避免自我中心:利用与寻求帮助的人的咨询会话来解决我们自己的问题是不道德的。正确的时间是在监督会话中解决我们自己的问题。
1. 关系中的界限
- 个体边界:在我们所有的关系中,我们都会设定界限。每个人周围都有一个边界,以保持我们作为个体的身份。这个边界的强度及其性质取决于关系的对象和关系的背景。
- 咨询关系的特殊性:人与人之间的咨询关系是一种特殊类型的关系,由寻求帮助的人为了特定目的建立。他们进入这种关系,将他们的福祉托付给咨询师,并期望咨询师在整个关系中为他们提供一个安全的环境,以便他们可以处理困扰他们的问题。
2. 不平等的关系
- 权力与影响力:如前所述,人与人之间的咨询关系不是平等的关系,不可避免地,无论咨询师是否愿意,他们都在一个权力和影响力的位置。咨询师经常与情绪高度激动且因此非常脆弱的人一起工作。
- 互动方式:咨询师与寻求帮助的人的互动方式并不是一般人类行为的特征。咨询师将大部分精力用于倾听和理解对方,所以对方只能看到咨询师性格的一部分。在这种情况下,他们可能会认为咨询师不切实际地关心和给予。
- 易受诱惑:咨询师的权力和对方的偏见感知结合在一起,使对方非常容易受到友谊或亲密关系的诱惑。
3. 咨询师的易受伤害性
- 情感投入:咨询师也易受伤害。在咨询关系中,寻求帮助的人常常分享内心深处的秘密,因此不可避免地会在咨询师和寻求帮助的人之间产生真正的亲密感。咨询师学会了共情,因此他们与他们希望帮助的人建立了特殊的关系。
- 边界风险:如果不小心,咨询师也会变得容易接受超出适当范围的更亲密关系。因此,咨询师需要小心不要忽视咨询关系被妥协的迹象。
4. 维护咨询关系的界限
- 负面影响:不幸的是,当咨询关系超出咨询情境的界限时,几乎总是对寻求帮助的人无益且有害。如果发生这种情况,咨询师关注对方需求的能力会大大减弱,对方可能会遭受严重的心理后果。
- 拒绝诱惑:作为咨询师,有时很难拒绝形成比咨询情境允许的更亲密关系的邀请。然而,重要的是要记住,如果我们不设置适当的界限,我们就会以牺牲寻求帮助的人的需求来满足我们自己的需求。我们将滥用我们作为专业人士的信任地位,并且我们必须面对这一事实及其可能带来的更严重的后果。
- 专业伦理:不幸的是,当咨询师违反适当的界限时,他们可能会损害或削弱咨询过程的有效性,减少寻求帮助的人将来寻求更多咨询帮助的可能性。如果你注意到你与寻求帮助的人的关系变得过于亲密,请注意危险信号,并在适当的情况下与你的主管和寻求帮助的人讨论这个问题。
5. 身体接触的注意事项
- 谨慎触碰:咨询师在身体接触寻求帮助的人时需要谨慎。不受欢迎的触摸不仅是不道德的,还可能被视为性骚扰。咨询师应始终保持专业,避免任何形式的不当身体接触。
1. 多重责任的冲突
- 多重责任:咨询师经常在对寻求帮助的人、雇佣他们的机构和社区的责任之间感到冲突。有时你需要自己决定哪项责任应该优先,依我们的观点,这个决定不太可能是每次都一样的。
- 咨询主管:如果你对某个特定决定有疑问,可以咨询你的主管。主管的意见可以帮助你更好地权衡不同的责任,做出合理的决策。
2. 对寻求帮助的人的责任
- 直接回应:咨询师对寻求帮助的人负有责任,需要直接回应他们对咨询帮助的请求。当一个人来找你寻求保密的帮助时,你有义务提供给他们,或者明确告诉他们为什么你无法提供。
- 特殊情况:如果你提供保密帮助会违反雇佣你的组织的政策、违法、危及社区其他成员或你自己无法做到,你需要向寻求帮助的人清楚说明情况,以便他们理解与你交谈的条件。
3. 对雇主的责任
- 遵守政策:受雇于组织或机构的咨询师对雇佣他们的机构负有责任。他们在该组织或机构内所做的所有工作都需要满足雇主的要求,并符合雇主的哲学期望。
- 道德责任:例如,当我们(凯瑟琳和大卫)在昆士兰的儿童和青少年心理健康服务工作时,我们有责任遵守昆士兰州卫生部的政策。如果我们不能做到这一点,我们就有道德责任与雇主讨论问题,或者辞职。
4. 对社区的责任
- 社区意识:咨询师需要时刻意识到对整个社区的责任。正如前面所讨论的,这在保密问题上提出了挑战。
- 风险评估:每当社区成员面临风险、财产可能受损或可能发生其他非法行为时,咨询师需要做出决定。通常这样的决定不是非黑即白的,而是灰色地带,有时咨询师发现很难决定什么是最合适的,以长期服务寻求帮助的人和社区的需求。
- 伦理讨论:在这种情况下,咨询师明智的做法是与主管讨论伦理问题,确保决策的合理性和合法性。
5. 咨询师的能力
- 高标准服务:咨询师有责任确保提供最高标准的服务。这需要充分的培训和监督。所有咨询师都需要关注自己的专业发展,并定期接受另一位咨询师的监督。不这样做肯定会导致咨询师自己的问题介入咨询过程,这将对寻求帮助的人不利(见第41章)。
- 能力限度:咨询师还需要意识到自己的能力限度。我们每个人在专业和个人方面都有局限,作为咨询师,我们必须能够认识到这些局限,并对寻求帮助的人坦诚相告。他们有权知道他们是否在找一个有能力或没有能力提供所需帮助的人。
1. 转介的必要性
- 需求不满足:当一个人的需求无法由咨询师充分满足时,咨询师有责任在与该人协商后,将他们转介给另一位合适的专业人士。这确保了寻求帮助的人能够获得所需的帮助。
- 避免过度转介:咨询师不应通过过度转介来避免所有困难和不愉快的工作。所有咨询师都有责任承担公平的工作量,并在转介决策上保持理智。此类决策最好在咨询师的主管指导下进行。
2. 持续监督
- 继续咨询:有时,咨询师继续与寻求帮助的人见面并接受密集监督可能更为合适,而不是转介给更有资格和经验的咨询师。如果这种情况发生,咨询师有责任告知该人并征求他们的同意。
- 透明沟通:咨询师需要与寻求帮助的人保持透明的沟通,确保他们了解情况并同意继续接受监督。
3. 特殊需求
- 特殊人群:转介通常对有特殊需求的人有用。例如,有特定残疾的人、来自其他文化的人和说其他语言的人可以从转介到能够满足他们特定需求的机构(或专业人士)中受益。
- 确保适当性:在将某人转介给另一位专业人士时,如果得到该人的许可,联系将要转介的专业人士以确保转介的可行性和适当性是有用的。
1. 敏感终止
- 敏感处理:咨询的终止需要敏感地进行,并选择合适的时间(见第12章)。在寻求帮助的人仍然需要进一步帮助时终止咨询是不道德的。
- 不可避免的情况:如果由于某些不可避免的原因(例如离开地区),你需要这样做,那么你有责任将他们转介给另一位能够继续提供必要支持的咨询师。
1. 法律框架
- 法律范围:咨询师像所有其他专业人士和社区的每个成员一样,需要在法律范围内运作。因此,作为咨询师,你需要熟悉你职业的相关法律要求。
- 强制报告:特别重要的是要知道报告某些行为(例如疑似儿童虐待)是否是强制性的。这有助于保护弱势群体的权益。
1. 伦理问题
- 广告规定:大多数咨询师的专业协会对广告有具体规定。关于咨询师描述自己和其服务的方式存在明显的伦理问题。
- 不准确声明:咨询师对其自身或服务的不准确或无法证实的声明是不道德的。这样做的咨询师不仅会使寻求帮助的人处于风险之中,还可能面临被起诉的可能性。
为了使咨询最有效,需要高度的保密性。保密性受限于:记录保存的需要;专业监督;法律;保护他人;参与培训会议;与其他专业人士的合作。 专业伦理涉及以下问题:对寻求帮助的人的尊重;与他们关系的界限;对他们负责;对雇主机构和社区负责;能力;转介给他人;咨询的终止;法律义务;自我推广。
- Bond, T. 2015, Standards and Ethics for Counselling in Action, 4th edn, SAGE, London.
- Corey, G., Corey, M.S., Corey, C. & Callanan, P. 2015, Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions, 9th edn, Cengage Learning, Stamford, CT.
- Shillito-Clarke, C. 2009, 'Ethical issues in counselling psychology', in K. Woolfc, S. Strawbridge, B. Doughs & W. Dryden (eds), Handbook of Counseling Psychology, 3rd edn, SAGE, London.
40 Confidentiality and other ethical issues The first part of this chapter will be devoted exclusively to confidentiality, because it is one of the most important ethical issues for a counsellor. Other aspects of professional ethics will be considered in the second part of the chapter.
CONFIDENTIALITY For counselling to be maximally effective, the person seeking help must feel secure in the knowledge that what they tell the counsellor is to be treated with a high degree of confidentiality. In an ideal world they would be offered total confidentiality so that they would feel free to openly explore with the counsellor the darkest recesses of their mind, and to discuss the most intimate details of their thoughts. As new counsellors we naively believed that we could at all times give those who sought our help an assurance that what was said in a counselling session was between them and us and would not be discussed with others. We very soon learnt that this was an idealistic belief and found that in practice it is generally not possible, advisable or ethical to offer total confidentiality.
As a counsellor you may at times be troubled by some personal difficulties regarding confidentiality and may need to talk with your supervisor about these. Counsellors are faced with a dilemma with regard to confidentiality. Unless we give a person who seeks our help an assurance that what they tell us will be in confidence, they are unlikely to be open with us. However, there are limits to the level of confidentiality that we can offer, and we need to be clear with the people who seek our help about these limits. Most importantly, as counsellors we need to be aware of the limits to the confidentiality that we are offering.
Absolute confidentiality is often not possible
Many experienced counsellors would agree that promising total confidentiality is unethical (Shillito-Clarke, 2009). It is certainly true that confidentiality is compromised by the following: • the need to keep records • the requirements of the counsellor’s own supervision • the need to protect others • working in conjunction with other professionals • participation in educational training programs, conferences, workshops and seminars • cases where the law requires disclosure of information. the above list will now be discussed in detail.
THE NEED TO KEEP RECORDS As explained in Chapter 38, there are compelling reasons for keeping good records. Counsellors who work in agencies frequently use computerised systems or centralised filing systems for such records. This may make it possible for other counsellors and non-counselling staff such as receptionists and filing clerks to have access to confidential records. Some counsellors omit to note certain categories of sensitive material on their record cards as a way of protecting those who seek counselling help. However» there are obvious consequences if this policy is adopted, as important information may be overlooked or forgotten during subsequent counselling sessions. Clearly, for the protection of those who seek help, computerised records need to be protected by adequate security systems. Similarly, hard-copy records should not be left lying around in places where they can be read by unauthorised people, and should be stored in lockable filing cabinets or in a secure filing room.
REQUIREMENTS OF THE COUNSELLOR'S OWN SUPERVISION 1 he requirements of professional supervision, as described in Chapter 41, demand that counsellors be free to fully disclose to their supervisors material relating to people who are seeking help. This is essential if the best possible service is to be provided, and is also necessary for the wellbeing of counsellors themselves. Some counsellors openly talk with the people who seek their help about the requirements of professional supervision and sometimes it can be reassuring for a person to know that their counsellor is receiving supervision.
Counsellor supervision is in the best interests of the people who seek help
THE NEED TO PROTECT OTHERS Experienced counsellors sometimes work with people who are contemplating suicide, with people who can be dangerous, and with those who have committed serious offences against other people and may possibly repeat such behaviour. Counsellors have responsibilities to those who seek help and also to the community’. Consequently, there may be instances where a counsellor needs to divulge information to protect the person who is seeking help from self-harm, or to protect a third party. For example, if a counsellor knows that the person who is seeking their help possesses a gun and intends to kill someone, then it would be unethical and irresponsible if the person at risk, the police and the psychiatric authorities were not informed. Consultation with a supervisor or experienced practitioner is strongly recommended, whenever this would not cause undue delay. The aim should be to ensure that the person seeking help receives a high level of care that is as respectful of their capacity for self-determination as circumstances permit, while also ensuring the safety of others who may be at risk.
WORKING IN CONJUNCTION WITH OTHER PROFESSIONALS Professionals such as psychiatrists, medical practitioners, psychologists, social workers, clergy and welfare workers frequently phone counsellors to talk with them about people who are seeking their help, and also seeking the counsellor’s help. It is sometimes in the interests of such people for other professionals to be appropriately informed about their situations. It is also desirable for counsellors to maintain good working relationships with other helping professionals. Sensible judgements need to be made about what information can be, and is, disclosed, and what is withheld. It is important to try to avoid compromising a person’s trust in you as a counsellor and to respect their lights as a person.
It may be advantageous for the person seeking help if the counsellor works in collaboration with other professionals
If as a counsellor you believe that it is desirable that sensitive material relating to a person seeking help be disclosed to another professional, then, unless there are unusual and compelling reasons for not doing so, the permission of the person concerned should be obtained. Obtaining their permission involves informing them about what you wish to do and why. They are then able to give informed consent. Preferably, this informed consent should be verified in writing so there can be no misunderstanding. Many agencies have a standard consent form which can be used when information is to be shared. 1 he general practice is for this form to be discussed with the person concerned and then signed by both the person and the counsellor. Where two or more members of a family require counselling help, family therapy may be useful. However, if family therapy is not possible, or is considered inappropriate, then the helping professionals involved with individual members of the family are likely to achieve more successful outcomes if they consult with each other, have case conferences and work together as a team. If such cooperation and teamwork is to occur, the process needs to be made transparent to all family members involved, and their consent for the sharing of information needs to be obtained. Sometimes you may discover that a person who is seeking counselling help from you is also consulting another counsellor. There is rarely justification for two counsellors to work with the same person, so after discussion with the person it is sensible to contact the other counsellor to decide who will take over the case. However, as with most situations, there can be exceptions. In a small number of cases, if good contact is maintained between two counsellors, it may be possible for them to both remain involved provided that they agree in setting clear boundaries and goals for the work that each of them will undertake.
EDUCATIONAL TRAINING PROGRAMS, CONFERENCES, WORKSHOPS AND SEMINARS Another problem area regarding confidentiality concerns ongoing training, upgrading of skills and sharing of new techniques. Counsellors need to grow and develop as people and as counsellors. This can partly be done through personal supervision and partly through large group sharing at conferences, seminars, workshops and case conferences. Material presented at such events to people who sought or are seeking help can sometimes be disguised by changing names and other details, but often this is not possible, particularly when DVD recordings of counselling sessions are used. However, we should stress that it would be unethical to use material in this way without the prior written consent of the people involved who sought or are seeking help. Moreover, there could be legal as well as ethical problems if consent is not obtained. WHERE THE LAW REQUIRES DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION Confidentiality may be limited by legal intervention. Sometimes counsellors are subpoenaed to give evidence in court and in such cases withholding information may be in contempt of court. Additionally, mandatory reporting is required by counsellors from certain professions in some countries or states with regard to issues such as child abuse.
RESPECTING A PERSON'S RIGHT TO PRIVACY Clearly, from the preceding discussion, there are many reasons why confidentiality in the counselling situation is limited. However, it is the counsellor’s task to ensure that confidentiality is preserved as far as is sensibly, legally and ethically possible. Assure the people who seek your help that you will do this to the best of your ability, because they need to feel that whatever they share with you is protected information, which will not be carelessly or unnecessarily divulged to others. It is quite unethical to talk about a person who is seeking help, or material related to them, to any person whatsoever, except in the circumstances previously described in this chapter. What a person shares with you is personal property and must not be shared around, so if you do have a need to talk about a person seeking help or their issues, talk with your supervisor.
We all like to have our privacy respected
You will need to make your own decisions, m consultation with your supervisor, about how best to deal with the confidentiality issue. Our policy is to be up-front with the people who seek our help and to explain the limits of confidentiality as they apply. For example, when we worked for an agency that had a particular confidentiality policy, we were careful to inform the people seeking help of the policy from that agency. As private practitioners, if we believe that it would be useful or sensible to divulge information for an ethically acceptable and professional reason, then we obtain the informed consent of the person involved. PROFESSIONAL ETHICS T he issue of confidentiality has been discussed in some detail. However, there are many other ethical issues for counsellors, and a new counsellor needs to be informed of these. Many counsellors belong to professional associations with codes of ethical conduct. These codes are readily available on request, and it is sensible for a new counsellor to read through the relevant code for the relevant profession. Some important ethical issues are included in the list below, and these will be discussed in subsequent paragraphs: • respect for the person seeking help • limits of the person-to-person counselling relationship • responsibility of the counsellor • counsellor competence • referral • termination of counselling • legal obligations • self-promotion.
RESPECT FOR THE PERSON SEEKING HELP Regardless of who the person seeking help is, and regardless of their behaviour, they have come to you for help and deserve to be treated as a human being of worth. If you treasure them, through feeling valued they will be given the optimum conditions in which to maximise their potential as an individual. Most helping professionals agree that within each of us is the potential for good, and for that potential to be realised we need to feel OK about ourselves. Counsellors therefore have a responsibility to facilitate the process that enables those who seek their help to feel OK about themselves, and to increase their feelings of self-worth.
If we try to impose our own moral values on the people who seek our help, we are likely to make them feel judged and to damage their self-worth. Moreover, they are likely to reject us as counsellors and to reject our values too. Paradoxically, if we are able to accept them, with whatever values they have, we are likely to find that as time passes they will move closer to us in their beliefs. This is inevitable because, as counsellors, we are, whether we like it or not, models for the people who seek our help. We have a responsibility to be good models. In this regard, it can be useful to create opportunities for those who seek our help to give us feedback about their experience of the counselling process. By doing this we can demonstrate respect for their views and their right to have some influence in the c ou nselling relatio nsh i p.
We need to remember that the interests of the person seeking help must take precedence over the counsellor s during the counselling process. It is not ethical to use counselling sessions with people who seek help to work through our own issues. The correct time tor working through our issues is in supervision sessions.
LIMITS OF THE COUNSELLING RELATIONSHIP In all our relationships we set limits. Each of us has a boundary around us to preserve our identity as an individual. The strength of that Boundary, and its nature, depends on who the relationship is with, and on the context of the relationship. The person- to-person counselling relationship is a special type of relationship, established by the person seeking help for a particular purpose. I hey enter into the relationship entrusting the counsellor with their wellbeing and expecting that the counsellor will, throughout the relationship, provide them with a safe environment in which they can work on the issues that trouble them.
As discussed previously, the person-to-person counselling relationship is not an equal relationship and, inevitably, whether the counsellor wishes it or not, they are in a position of power and influence. Counsellors often work with people who are in highly emotional states and are consequently very vulnerable. I he way that a counsellor relates to a person seeking help is not characteristic of human behaviour generally. A counsellor devotes most of their energy to listening to and understanding the person, so the person sees only a part of the counsellor’s character. In these circumstances, they may perceive a counsellor as unrealistically caring and giving. I he counsellor’s power and the person’s biased perception combine to make the person very vulnerable to offers of friendship or closeness.
I he counsellor is also vulnerable. In the counselling relationship, the person seeking help often shares innermost secrets, and so inevitably there may develop a real closeness between the person and the counsellor. Counsellors learn to be empathic, and so they develop special relationships with the people they seek to help. If they are not careful they too become vulnerable to offers of closer relationships than are appropriate. Counsellors therefore need to be careful not to discount signs that the counselling relationship is being compromised.
Counsellors can be vulnerable too!
Unfortunately, it is almost always unhelpful and damaging to the person seeking help when the counselling relationship is allowed to extend beyond the limits of the counselling situation. If such an extension occurs, the counsellor’s ability to attend to the person’s needs is seriously diminished, and there may well be serious psychological consequences for them. As a counsellor, it may at times be hard to refuse invitations to resist forming a closer relationship with a person seeking help than the counselling situation allows. However, it is important to remember that if we do not set appropriate boundaries we will be satisfying our own needs at the expense of the person seeking help. We will have abused our special position of trust as a professional, and we will have to live with that knowledge, and with any more serious consequences. Unfortunately, when counsellors breach appropriate boundaries they may damage or diminish the usefulness of the counselling process and reduce the possibility that the person seeking help will in the future seek further counselling help. Be aware of the danger signals if you notice that your relationship with a person seeking help is becoming too close, and bring the issue into the open by discussing it with your supervisor and with the person, if that is appropriate. Counsellors need to exercise care if they physically touch a person seeking help in any way. Unwelcome touching is not only unethical but may also be construed as sexual harassment.
RESPONSIBILITY OF THE COUNSELLOR Counsellors frequently experience a sense of conflict between their responsibilities to the person seeking help, to the agency that employs them and to the community. You will at times need to make your own decisions about which of these responsibilities needs to take precedence, and in our view the decision is unlikely to always be the same. If you are in doubt about any particular decision, consult your supervisor.
Clearly, the counsellor has a responsibility to the person seeking help and needs to directly address their request for counselling help. When a person conies to you for confidential help, you have an obligation to give them that, or alternatively to be clear with them about why you are not able to do that. You cannot ethically fulfil their needs if providing a person with confidential help would: involve working in opposition to the policies of the organisation that employs you involve a breach of the law put other members of the community at risk be impossible for you personally. However, in these situations you need to be clear with the person seeking help about the situation, so that they understand the conditions under which they are talking to you.
Counsellors have a responsibility to the person seeking help, their employer, the community and themselves
Counsellors who are employed by an organisation or institution have a responsibility to that employing body. All the work they do within that organisation or institution needs to fulfil the requirements of the employing body, and to fit in with the philosophical expectations of the employing body. For example, when we (Kathryn and David) worked for the Child and Youth Mental Health Service in Queensland, it was our responsibility to comply with the policies of the Queensland Department of Health. If we had not been able to do that, then we would have had an ethical responsibility to discuss the issue with our employer, or to resign. Counsellors have to be aware at all times of their responsibilities to the community at large. As discussed earlier, this raises problems with regard to confidentiality7. Whenever a member of the community is at risk, property’ is likely to be damaged or other illegal actions are likely to occur or have occurred, then a counsellor needs to make a decision regarding what action is needed. Often such decisions do not involve choosing between black and white, but rather between shades of grey, and sometimes counsellors find it difficult to decide what is most appropriate in order to serve the needs of the person seeking help and the community in the long term. At these times the sensible approach is for the counsellor to talk through the ethical issues with their supervisor.
COUNSELLOR COMPETENCE A counsellor has a responsibility7 to ensure that they give the highest possible standard of service. This cannot be done without adequate training and supervision. All counsellors need to attend to their own professional development and to have supervision from another counsellor on a regular basis. Failure to do this is certain to result in the counsellor’s own issues intruding into the counselling process, and this will be to the detriment of the people who seek their help (see Chapter 41). A counsellor also needs to be aware of the limits of their competence. We all have limits professionally and personally, and it is essential that as counsellors we are able to recognise our limits and to be open with people who seek our help about those limits. They have a right to know whether they are seeing someone who has, or does not have, the necessary abilities to give them the help they require.
REFERRAL When a person’s needs cannot be adequately met by a counsellor, that counsellor has a responsibility to make an appropriate referral, in consultation with the person, to another suitable professional. However, it is not appropriate for a counsellor to avoid all difficult and unenjoyable work by excessively referring people to others. There is a responsibility on all counsellors to carry a fair load, and to be sensible about referral decisions. Such decisions are best made in consultation with a counsellor’s supervisor.
Instead of referring to a more qualified and experienced counsellor, it may sometimes be appropriate for a counsellor to continue seeing a person seeking help while undergoing intensive supervision. If this happens, the counsellor has a responsibility7 to inform the person and seek their approval.
Often referral is useful where people have special needs. For example, people with particular disabilities, people from other cultures and people who speak another language may benefit from referral to an agency (or professional) that can provide for their specific needs. When referring a person to another professional, it may be useful to contact the professional to whom the referral is being made, with the person’s permission, to ensure that the referral is acceptable and appropriate.
TERMINATION OF COUNSELLING Termination of counselling needs to be carried out sensitively and with appropriate timing (see Chapter 12). It is not ethical to terminate counselling at a point where the person seeking help still needs further help. If for some unavoidable reason (such as leaving the district) you need to do this, then it is incumbent upon you to make a suitable referral to another counsellor who can continue to give the necessary7 support.
LEGAL OBLIGATIONS Counsellors, like all other professionals and every7 other member of the community, need to operate within the law\ Therefore, as a counsellor, you need to familiarise yourself with the relevant legal requirements for your profession. It is particularly important to know whether reporting of specific behaviours (for example, suspected child abuse) is mandatory.
SELF-PROMOTION Most professional associations for counsellors have specific rules about advertising. 1 here is clearly an ethical issue with regard to the way in which counsellors describe themselves and their services. It is unethical for a counsellor to make claims about themselves or their services that are inaccurate or cannot be substantiated. Counsellors who do this not only put the people who seek help at risk, but may also face the possibility of prosecution.
Learning summary For counselling to be most effective, a high degree of confidentiality is required. Confidentiality is limited by: the need to keep records; professional supervision; the law; the protection of others; participation in training conferences; and cooperation with other professionals. Professional ethics relate to issues such as: respect for the person seeking help; limits to the relationship with them; responsibility to them; the employing agency and the community, competence, referral to others, termination of counselling; legal obligations; and self-promotion. References and further reading Bond, T. 2015, Standards and Ethics for Counselling in Action, 4th edn, SAGE, London. Corey, G., Corey, M.S., Corey, C. & Callanan, P. 2015, Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions, 9th cdn, Cengage Learning, Stamford, CT. Shillito-Clarke, C. 2009, ‘Ethical issues in counselling psychology’, m K. Woolfc, S. Strawbridge, B. Doughs &’ W. Dryden (rds), Handbook of Counseling Psychology, 3rd cdn, SAGE, London,