18. 使用“此时此刻”的体验
上述讨论并不是暗示一个人谈论他人的行为、谈论超出自己控制范围的情况或谈论过去或未来的事件是不合适的或没有价值的。它确实意味着,除非一个人同时关注在思考这些情况或事件时内心的当前感受,否则这样做是没有意义的。在咨询中,焦点需要放在当事人在特定时刻的内心体验上,即“此时此地”,这样才能达到最佳的治疗效果。关注当下的需要是格式塔疗法的核心概念之一(Houston, 2003)。
想象一下,通过仔细观察寻求帮助的人的非语言行为,咨询师怀疑他们对自己感到愤怒。例如,咨询师可能注意到对方脸上闪过愤怒的表情。然而,由于非语言行为容易被误解,咨询师需要确认这是否确实是愤怒的表情。咨询师可能会说:“我有一种感觉,你那时看起来很生气。” 结果,对方可能会意识到自己的愤怒,并愿意探索它,或者更全面地接触到他们实际经历的感受。这样,他们的感受被公开,咨询师可以适当地、真诚地回应,从而使与对方的关系更加真实。
想象一下,当寻求帮助的人不断打断时,咨询师无法完成一个适当的咨询回应句子。最初,咨询师需要允许中断发生并观察这个过程。然而,过了一段时间后,咨询师可能需要给予一些反馈。反馈需要以温和的方式给出,使对方感到受到尊重而不是被攻击。在这种情况下,咨询师在给予反馈时可能会说:“现在我开始感到担心,因为我注意到我无法完成我想说的话。” 对方可能会发现他们的打断倾向干扰了沟通过程,如果他们愿意,可以改变这种行为。显然,这种类型的反馈需要以尽可能不具威胁性和可接受的方式,在适当的时间给出。在随后的讨论中,咨询师可以询问对方是否注意到在与其他人交谈时出现的任何问题,这可能会有所帮助。
- 现在我感到……因为……
- 我感到……当……
- 我[困惑、感兴趣、担心,或其他情感词]因为……我注意到……
通过以描述自己感受的词语开头,咨询师在与对方的关系中是开放和诚实的。希望这种开放性会使对方更容易听到并接受所说的话。在描述咨询师的感受之后,反馈陈述继续用具体的事实陈述。考虑前面的例子:“现在我开始感到担心,因为我注意到我似乎无法完成我想说的话。” “因为”后面的陈述是一个具体的事实陈述,描述了咨询师确切注意到的情况,而不是解释。在这种情况下,不适当的反馈示例是说:“当你打断我时,我感到烦躁,因为你不想听我说的话。” 这种陈述可能会使对方感到批评和攻击,因为“烦躁”一词暗示责备。该陈述还涉及对对方行为的解释,这可能是完全错误的。作为咨询师,我们需要小心不要在反馈陈述中包含解释。
- 现在我感到有点担心,因为我注意到我无法完整地表达我的想法。
- 我感到有些困惑,当我试图解释时,你似乎打断了我。
- 我感到有些不安,因为我觉得我的话没有被完整地听到。
- 你总是打断我,我感到非常烦躁。
- 当你打断我时,我感到烦躁,因为你不想听我说的话。
- 你总是不让我把话说完,我觉得你根本不尊重我。
- 不适当:“你总是迟到,因为你认为咨询不值得来。”
- 适当:“我感到困惑,因为我注意到你总是迟到。”
- 不适当:“你在我之间设置了一道障碍,因为你不喜欢我。”
- 不适当:“你把我当作父亲对待,但我不是你的父亲。”
- 适当:“我感到担心,因为我觉得你像儿子对待父亲一样对待我。”
- 适当:“现在我有一种被拒之门外的感觉,好像我们之间有一扇关着的门。”
- 帮助一个人关注他们当前的行为、内心感受和想法,而不是关注过去的行为或他们无法控制的他人的行为。
- 帮助一个人学会拥有和处理他们的情绪感受,包括对他人所谓的“负面”感受。
- 以一种可接受的方式,对导致咨询师产生负面情绪并可能惹恼他人的不当行为给予建设性反馈。
- 帮助一个人认识到并处理将过去重要人物的特征投射到他人的倾向。
- 帮助一个人处理他们自己的抵抗。
示例 1
- 不适当的反馈:该陈述具有威胁性,因为它以“你”开头。词语“因为你认为咨询不值得来”是对对方行为的未经验证的解释。
示例 2
- 适当的反馈:咨询师以“我”开头,描述他们的感受:“我感到困惑”。然后给出具体的观察陈述:“你总是迟到”。咨询师没有试图解释对方的行为,而只是陈述了观察到的事实。
示例 3
- 不适当的反馈:该陈述不适当,因为它是一个“你”陈述,可能会让对方感到受到攻击。此外,咨询师在解释对方的行为。陈述“你不喜欢我”是猜测,可能是错误的。
示例 4
- 不适当的反馈:这是一个以“你”开头的不适当陈述,可能会被对方视为贬低。
示例 5
- 适当的反馈:该陈述以咨询师的感受的“我”开头:“我感到担心”。咨询师没有使用“你”陈述来指责对方,而是提供了关于关系对他们感觉如何的信息。将此陈述与示例 4 对比,它们非常不同。
示例 6
- 适当的反馈:注意在这个陈述中,咨询师描述了自己的感受,而不是责怪对方设置了障碍。将此陈述与示例 3 对比。
- 谈论过去和未来:谈论过去和未来,以及谈论其他人,除非一个人也关注“此时此地”的体验,否则是没有建设性的。
- 保持在“此时此地”:保持在“此时此地”,关注当前的体验、情感感受和想法,是具有治疗效果的。
- 即时性的学习体验:咨询关系的即时性可以为求助者提供有用的學習经验。
- 咨询师的示范作用:咨询师可以示范适应性行为和关系技能,并向求助者提供反馈。
- 适当的反馈:适当的反馈可以从“我”开始,后跟具体的非解释性陈述。
- 移情:移情是指求助者将咨询师视为父母(或其他重要人物)。
- 反移情:反移情是指咨询师以父母(或其他重要人物)的方式回应求助者的移情。
- 公开讨论:移情和反移情通常需要在发生时被公开讨论。
- 抵抗:抵抗可能涉及求助者对治疗过程的表面不合作或直接回避痛苦的问题。
- 处理抵抗:处理抵抗的一个好方法是提高对方对自己观察到的情况的意识。
- 背景:我们都知道那些习惯于不断抱怨自己生活状况的人,他们喜欢长篇大论地谈论世界的不公。他们谈论“外界”的事情,这些事情显然超出他们的控制范围,是别人的职责。
- 表现:他们使用诸如“他们应该……”、“他们应该……”、“他们没有……真是可耻”之类的陈述,而不是思考“我能做些什么来改变这种情况”。
- 结果:这样的人往往会一遍又一遍地重复同样的话题,几乎可以肯定,他们会停滞不前,因为没有人能改变不在自己控制范围内的事情。
- 自我反思:我们开始时谈论的是“那些抱怨的人”,但现在我们在审视自己。当讨论集中在其他人身上时,你可能比现在更舒服。通常,我们更容易将自己与功能失调的行为保持距离,并将问题归咎于他人。
- 后果:如果我们抱怨别人的行为或不作为,或者抱怨外部事件或情况,我们很可能会陷入抱怨的困境,并感到沮丧,因为我们无力带来改变。
- 积极应对:相反,如果我们关注自己在做什么,以及内心正在发生的事情,那么我们可以选择采取行动来改变自己的行为,或者改变思维方式,以便更好地接受正在发生的事情。
- 时间维度:与过去和未来相比,类似的逻辑同样适用于现在。我们无法控制过去的事件;它们已经发生,我们无法改变。同样,我们对未来的事件控制有限;它们尚未发生,我们无法确定未来会带来什么。
- 当下的重要性:不恰当地关注过去或未来,可能会让我们陷入无尽的哲学思考、抱怨和担忧,而关注当下则允许我们为自己的满足做出明智的选择。
- 咨询中的应用:在咨询中,焦点需要放在当事人在特定时刻的内心体验上,即“此时此地”,这样才能达到最佳的治疗效果。关注当下的需要是格式塔疗法的核心概念之一(Houston, 2003)。
- 情景:想象一个年轻男子因父亲在他童年时期的对待方式而愤怒的情景。他可以一次又一次地谈论这段过去的经历,但进展甚微。
- 咨询策略:然而,如果咨询师将焦点放在他在谈论过去时内心的当前感受上,进展就更有可能实现。咨询师可能会触及到当前存在的愤怒、怨恨和苦涩。
- 具体操作:当咨询师倾听对过去经历的描述时,询问当事人在谈论这些经历时的感受是恰当的。咨询师可能会说:“告诉我你在谈论这些过去的事情时,现在有什么情感感受。”通过这样做,咨询师将焦点带入当下,将与过去创伤经历相关联的当前情感感受带入当事人的意识中。
- 效果:他们随后能够充分体验这些感受并妥善处理。只有通过充分体验这些情感感受,当事人才能减少或消除这些感受,或找到建设性地应对这些感受的方法。
- 利用当下的体验:关注当下的体验有助于我们从抱怨和消极情绪中解脱出来,采取积极的行动来改变现状。
- 承担责任:通过自我反思,我们可以更好地认识到自己的行为模式,从而采取积极的措施来改善自己的生活。
- 关注当下:在咨询中,关注当下的体验是达到最佳治疗效果的关键。通过将焦点放在当前的情感体验上,咨询师可以帮助当事人充分体验和处理这些感受,从而实现心理成长和改变。
- 观察非语言行为:将对方的注意力引向当下的一个方法是观察他们的非语言行为,并告诉他们你注意到的。例如,当他们回忆某个过去的事件时,眼睛可能会变得湿润。
- 提问情感体验:敏感地打断,说“我注意到你的眼睛开始有泪水”或“告诉我你现在有什么情感体验”很可能使对方更充分地接触他们当前的内在体验。
- 允许时间:允许对方有时间,停留在他们的感受中,并体验这些感受。这样,如果他们感到伤心,可以哭泣;如果他们生气,可以表达愤怒;并且可以拥有他们正在经历的其他任何情感,以便他们能够进入一个更舒适的境地。
- 学习体验感受:如果这样做,他们将逐渐学会允许自己体验这些感受,而不是否认它们。这种在咨询情境中的学习有望延伸到他们的日常生活中,使他们对一般的情感更加响应。因此,他们能够在情感产生时就处理它们,而不是让它们积累到无法忍受的程度。
- 压抑的原因:如第23章所述,痛苦的一个常见原因是无法适当地和恰当地向他人表达“负面”情绪。例如,对于许多人来说,愤怒的表达从童年起就被压抑了。每当小孩子生气时,父母往往会说:“不要那样生气。不要发脾气。”结果,孩子错误地学会了,即使愤怒的反应是合理的,也不应该向他人表达愤怒。
- 负面影响:不幸的是,被阻塞的愤怒常常导致抑郁、焦虑或压力。更糟糕的是,如果我们不让别人知道我们对他们的感受或对他们的行为的反应,我们就无法建立完全功能的、开放的和真诚的关系。
- 表达的重要性:将问题公开并讨论它们可以使情感得到表达,而不是被压抑,假装它们不存在。咨询关系的即时性可以用来展示如何以一种建设性的方式分享情感,从而增强而不是损害关系。
- 真实关系:在咨询情境的即时性中,寻求帮助的人和咨询师之间存在真实的关系。一位熟练的咨询师会自然地展示适应性和建设性的互动方式,并帮助对方探索由咨询关系产生的感受。
- 学习和应用:通过学习探索这些感受并将其公开,对方可以学会适当处理与他人关系中产生的感受,从而提高其人际关系的质量。
- 观察非语言行为:想象一下,通过仔细观察寻求帮助的人的非语言行为,咨询师怀疑他们对自己感到愤怒。例如,咨询师可能注意到对方脸上闪过愤怒的表情。
- 确认感受:然而,由于非语言行为容易被误解,咨询师需要确认这是否确实是愤怒的表情。咨询师可能会说:“我有一种感觉,你那时看起来很生气。”
- 探索感受:结果,对方可能会意识到自己的愤怒,并愿意探索它,或者更全面地接触到他们实际经历的感受。这样,他们的感受被公开,咨询师可以适当地、真诚地回应,从而使与对方的关系更加真实。
- 引导关注当下:通过观察非语言行为和提问情感体验,可以帮助对方更充分地接触他们当前的内在体验。
- 停留和体验感受:允许对方有时间,停留在他们的感受中,并体验这些感受,有助于他们更好地处理情感。
- 处理负面情绪:适当地表达负面情绪可以减少抑郁、焦虑和压力,建立更健康的人际关系。
- 示范的作用:咨询师通过展示适应性和建设性的互动方式,帮助对方学习如何处理情感,从而提高其人际关系的质量。
- 关注自身感受:如果咨询师要与寻求帮助的人建立真诚的关系,他们需要关注自己的感受,而不是压抑这些感受,使自己不承认这些感受。
- 情感信息:咨询师的情感感受可能为咨询过程提供重要信息。因此,通过在咨询关系的即时性中识别、承认并适当回应自己的感受,咨询师可能能够更有效地应对咨询过程,从而对寻求帮助的人有益。
- 谨慎分享:然而,咨询师在分享自己的情感感受时需要谨慎,特别是当这些感受不是积极的,因为咨询师将自己的感受倾泻给寻求帮助的人是不合适的。
- 处理感受:如果咨询师无法以确保不会对咨询过程产生负面影响或干扰咨询关系的方式来处理这些感受,那么咨询师需要在经验丰富的咨询师的监督下探讨这些感受。
- 识别行为:需要承认和接受的是,有些人确实表现出令人烦恼的行为。因此,有时咨询师可能会因为某人寻求帮助时的某种特定行为而开始感到烦躁。
- 处理步骤:当这种情况发生时,咨询师首先需要识别和承认自己的感受,并决定如何处理这些感受。
- 监督支持:如果咨询师无法以确保不会对咨询过程产生负面影响或干扰咨询关系的方式来处理这些感受,那么咨询师需要在经验丰富的咨询师的监督下探讨这些感受。
- 反馈的重要性:处理完自己的感受后,咨询师可能会认识到,这个人确实表现出干扰咨询过程并可能令他人烦恼的行为。在这种情况下,以一种对方可以接受的方式给予反馈可能是有用的。
- 具体操作:这可能使对方了解自己的行为是如何被感知的。然后,如果他们愿意,可以选择改变(参见第15章关于咨询对乔哈窗口的影响)。
- 积极影响:这样的改变可能会显著积极地影响对方的生活,因为他们在咨询中的行为可能类似于在更广泛环境中与他人互动时的行为。
- 现实问题:不幸的是,大多数人过于礼貌,不会给朋友有用的反馈,即使他们的朋友表现出相当具有破坏性和适应不良的行为。
- 咨询师的角色:然而,有时咨询师可以以尊重的方式给予有用和适当的反馈。
- 真诚关系:咨询师需要关注自己的感受,而不是压抑这些感受,以建立真诚的关系。
- 谨慎分享:咨询师在分享自己的情感感受时需要谨慎,确保不会对咨询过程产生负面影响。
- 处理行为:识别和处理令人烦恼的行为,必要时在监督下探讨这些感受。
- 给予反馈:以一种对方可以接受的方式给予反馈,帮助对方了解自己的行为,并选择改变。
- 社交反馈:在社交中,咨询师可以发挥重要作用,以尊重的方式给予有用的反馈。
- 初始阶段:想象一下,当寻求帮助的人不断打断时,咨询师无法完成一个适当的咨询回应句子。最初,咨询师需要允许中断发生并观察这个过程。
- 适时反馈:然而,过了一段时间后,咨询师可能需要给予一些反馈。反馈需要以温和的方式给出,使对方感到受到尊重而不是被攻击。例如,咨询师可能会说:“现在我开始感到担心,因为我注意到我无法完成我想说的话。”
- 发现问题:对方可能会发现他们的打断倾向干扰了沟通过程,如果他们愿意,可以改变这种行为。
- 适当时间:显然,这种类型的反馈需要以尽可能不具威胁性和可接受的方式,在适当的时间给出。
- 询问对方:在随后的讨论中,咨询师可以询问对方是否注意到在与其他人交谈时出现的任何问题,这可能会有所帮助。
- 促进改变:通过这样做,对方可能会开始探索他们在工作和社交场合中的沟通方式,并认识到改变的有用性。
- 避免“你”开头:在给予反馈时,避免以“你”开头的句子是有道理的,因为这几乎肯定会被视为攻击,导致防御性反应。
- 现在我感到……因为……
- 我感到……当……
- 我[困惑、感兴趣、担心,或其他情感词]因为……我注意到……
- 描述感受:通过以描述自己感受的词语开头,咨询师在与对方的关系中是开放和诚实的。希望这种开放性会使对方更容易听到并接受所说的话。
- 具体陈述:在描述咨询师的感受之后,反馈陈述继续用具体的事实陈述。例如:“现在我开始感到担心,因为我注意到我似乎无法完成我想说的话。” “因为”后面的陈述是一个具体的事实陈述,描述了咨询师确切注意到的情况,而不是解释。
- 可能出现的反应:在给予反馈时,我们需要注意,对方可能会以消极和防御的方式回应。如果发生这种情况,咨询关系的即时性将被凸显。
- 探索感知:这为咨询师提供了一个机会,探索对方对当前发生的事情的感知,从而探索和增强咨询关系。
- 适当反馈:现我在感到担心,因为我注意到我似乎无法完成我想说的话。
- 不适当反馈:当你打断我时,我感到烦躁,因为你不想听我说的话。
- 判断示例:以下是一些适当和不适当的反馈陈述示例。看看你能否判断哪些是适当的,哪些是不适当的,然后阅读本章末尾的评论来检查你的判断。
- 及时反馈:咨询师需要在适当的时间给予温和的反馈,使对方感到受到尊重而不是被攻击。
- 避免指责:避免以“你”开头的句子,使用“我”陈述,描述具体事实,而不是解释。
- 处理防御性:如果对方以消极和防御的方式回应,咨询师可以探索对方的感知,增强咨询关系。
- 练习判断:通过判断示例,加深对反馈技巧的理解。
示例 1
- 不适当:你总是迟到,因为你认为咨询不值得来。
- 分析:这个反馈以“你”开头,带有指责和解释,可能导致对方防御性反应。
示例 2
- 适当:我感到困惑,因为我注意到你总是迟到。
- 分析:这个反馈以“我”开头,描述了咨询师的感受和具体的事实,不会引起对方的防御性。
示例 3
- 不适当:你在我之间设置了一道障碍,因为你不喜欢我。
- 分析:这个反馈带有指责和解释,可能导致对方感到被攻击。
示例 4
- 不适当:你把我当作父亲对待,但我不是你的父亲。
- 分析:这个反馈带有解释,可能引起对方的防御性。
示例 5
- 适当:我感到担心,因为我觉得你像儿子对待父亲一样对待我。
- 分析:这个反馈以“我”开头,描述了咨询师的感受和具体的事实,有助于对方理解和反思。
示例 6
- 适当:现在我有一种被拒之门外的感觉,好像我们之间有一扇关着的门。
- 分析:这个反馈以“我”开头,描述了咨询师的感受和具体的事实,有助于对方理解当前的沟通状态。
- 我感到困惑,因为我注意到你总是迟到。
- 我感到担心,因为我觉得你像儿子对待父亲一样对待我。
- 现在我有一种被拒之门外的感觉,好像我们之间有一扇关着的门。
- 描述感受:通过描述自己的感受,咨询师在与对方的关系中保持开放和诚实。
- 具体陈述:在描述感受后,继续用具体的事实陈述,避免解释。例如:“我感到困惑,因为我注意到你总是迟到。”
- 移情:移情发生在寻求帮助的人将咨询师视为他们过去的重要人物,通常是他们的母亲或父亲。
- 反移情:反移情发生在咨询师无意中陷入对方所看到的角色中,例如,如果对方像对待父亲一样对待咨询师,咨询师可能会开始感觉和表现得像一个父亲。
- 公开讨论:移情和反移情在咨询关系中不可避免地会发生,但只要被认识、公开并讨论,就不会成为问题。
- 避免不适当关系:如果不被公开,这将成为问题,因为这对寻求帮助的人来说,将咨询师视为过去某个人是无益的。
- 明确区分:咨询师需要明确指出自己不是对方的父母或任何其他重要人物,而是自己——独特且不同。
- 督导支持:在咨询师觉得不适合直接公开移情或反移情问题的情况下,这个问题需要在督导中解决。
- 使用“我”陈述:教寻求帮助的人如何使用“我”陈述而不是“你”陈述,例如:“我感到……当……”。
- 具体事实:强调做出具体事实陈述的重要性,而不是解释。
- 适当反馈:适当反馈应以“我”开头,描述咨询师的感受和具体的事实,避免解释和指责。
- 移情和反移情:移情和反移情在咨询关系中不可避免,但通过公开讨论和明确区分,可以避免不适当的关系。
- 教学反馈技巧:教寻求帮助的人使用“我”陈述和具体事实陈述,有助于改善沟通。
- 督导支持:在处理移情和反移情时,督导可以提供重要的支持和指导。
- 投射:通过咨询关系的即时性,一个人可能会了解到他们将过去重要人物的特征投射到当前生活中的其他人身上的倾向。例如,一个人可能会将童年时期与父母的关系模式投射到与朋友或伴侣的关系上。
- 公开讨论:通常,当咨询师注意到求助者与自己之间的关系中发生了什么时,将其公开是明智的。如果作为咨询师,你感觉到关系中发生了某些不同寻常、不同或重要的事情,通常告诉对方你所观察到的会很有帮助,以便充分讨论和探索。
- 学习与发展:通过探讨这些材料,对方能够更多地了解自己,意识到他们在关系中的行为,并更加贴近自己的情感体验和思想。因此,他们可能能够向前迈进,更加充分地发展。
- 抵抗:新咨询师有时会被求助者在治疗过程中表现出的明显缺乏合作所困扰。这被称为抵抗。一个很好的抵抗例子是由那些经常迟到或反复错过预约的人提供的。
- 迟到与缺席:一个人这样做可能有正当的理由。然而,给出的解释往往是合理化或借口,而不是行为发生的真正原因。例如,一个人可能觉得咨询非常具有威胁性和令人担忧,出于潜意识的原因,推迟了前来咨询的时间。
- 表达观察:让对方意识到正在发生的事情很重要,以便解决真正的问题并应对对方的恐惧。咨询师需要做的是表达所观察到的,而不是解释。例如:“我注意到你经常迟到,我对此感到困惑。”
- 转移话题:抵抗可能涉及当谈论痛苦的重要问题时,对方转移话题。最有用的策略是咨询师给予反馈,说些什么类似“我注意到每当你开始谈论……时就会改变话题”。
- 背景:作为我们的私人执业的一部分,我们培训和督导其他咨询师。我们鼓励学员制作一些咨询会话的DVD录像,用于督导。
- 现象:大卫注意到,学员们多次来到督导会议,告诉他不幸的是他们未能如约制作DVD。他们会给出非常有说服力的理由,说明为什么制作DVD是不可能的。
- 处理:大卫说类似这样的话时,通常会揭示出抵抗:“我注意到在过去三周里,你一直无法制作DVD,而且你给出了非常好的理由。不过,我对此感到困惑,因为你是能力很强的人。我在想,当你想到制作DVD时,内心会有什么情感反应?”
- 结果:以这种方式给予反馈往往使学员能够更全面地探讨正在发生的事情,结果常常发现,对于学员来说,制作DVD是非常具有威胁性的,如果他们稍微多努力一点,其实是有可能制作出录像的。
- 提醒:如果一个人经常迟到,或者连续错过了几次预约,提醒他们所发生的事情是有用的。可能需要说:“是的,我听到了你的理由,我理解并相信它们,但我仍然在想,是否在另一个层面上发生了其他事情。我对你经常迟到感到困惑。”
- 讨论:通过讨论,可以帮助对方意识到潜在的抵抗原因,并找到解决问题的方法。
- 表现形式:抵抗可以采取多种形式,例如,阻止一个人探索他们生活中特别痛苦的领域。
- 处理策略:作为咨询师,你可能会对这种回避感到沮丧。然而,在我们看来,探索抵抗比试图强行突破更为重要。我们通过吸引对方注意正在发生的事情来探索抵抗。例如:“我注意到每当你提到(某个特定主题)时,你会迅速改变话题。我的猜测是谈论(该主题)太痛苦了。”
- 尊重:如果对方表示不愿意探索某个痛苦的领域,例如:“我不准备探索我生命中那个真正痛苦的领域。这样做就像打开潘多拉的盒子。对我来说太可怕了。”我们需要记住,他们有权做出这样的选择,可以选择不打开潘多拉的盒子。如果这是他们的选择,我们会尊重他们的意愿。
- 投射:通过咨询关系的即时性,一个人可能会了解到他们将过去重要人物的特征投射到当前生活中的其他人身上的倾向。通过公开讨论和探索,对方能够更多地了解自己,实现个人成长。
- 抵抗:抵抗表现为求助者在治疗过程中缺乏合作,如迟到、缺席或转移话题。处理抵抗的关键在于表达观察,而不是解释,尊重对方的选择。
- 尊重与支持:作为咨询师,我们需要尊重对方的选择,支持他们在舒适范围内探索和解决问题。
- 目标:帮助一个人关注他们当前的行为、内心感受和想法,而不是关注过去的行为或他们无法控制的他人的行为。
- 方法:通过引导对方关注当下的感受和体验,帮助他们更好地理解自己。
- 目标:帮助一个人学会拥有和处理他们的情绪感受,包括对他人所谓的“负面”感受。
- 方法:鼓励对方表达和处理各种情绪,包括负面情绪,以增强情绪管理能力。
- 目标:以一种可接受的方式,对导致咨询师产生负面情绪并可能惹恼他人的不当行为给予建设性反馈。
- 方法:使用“我”陈述,描述自己的感受和具体的观察,避免解释和指责。
- 目标:帮助一个人认识到并处理将过去重要人物的特征投射到他人的倾向。
- 方法:通过公开讨论和探索,帮助对方意识到自己的投射行为,从而更好地理解自己。
- 目标:帮助一个人处理他们自己的抵抗。
- 方法:提高对方对自己观察到的情况的意识,鼓励他们面对和处理内心的抵抗。
- 观察:有效的咨询师会表达他们对咨询关系即时性中发生的事情的观察,从而促进求助者的个人成长。
- 反馈:希望从咨询体验中学到的东西能够带入他们的日常生活中。
示例 1
- 不适当的反馈:该陈述具有威胁性,因为它以“你”开头。词语“因为你认为咨询不值得来”是对对方行为的未经验证的解释。
示例 2
- 适当的反馈:咨询师以“我”开头,描述他们的感受:“我感到困惑”。然后给出具体的观察陈述:“你总是迟到”。咨询师没有试图解释对方的行为,而只是陈述了观察到的事实。
示例 3
- 不适当的反馈:该陈述不适当,因为它是一个“你”陈述,可能会让对方感到受到攻击。此外,咨询师在解释对方的行为。陈述“你不喜欢我”是猜测,可能是错误的。
示例 4
- 不适当的反馈:这是一个以“你”开头的不适当陈述,可能会被对方视为贬低。
示例 5
- 适当的反馈:该陈述以咨询师的感受的“我”开头:“我感到担心”。咨询师没有使用“你”陈述来指责对方,而是提供了关于关系对他们感觉如何的信息。将此陈述与示例 4 对比,它们非常不同。
示例 6
- 适当的反馈:注意在这个陈述中,咨询师描述了自己的感受,而不是责怪对方设置了障碍。将此陈述与示例 3 对比。
- 谈论过去和未来:谈论过去和未来,以及谈论其他人,除非一个人也关注“此时此地”的体验,否则是没有建设性的。
- 保持在“此时此地”:保持在“此时此地”,关注当前的体验、情感感受和想法,是具有治疗效果的。
- 即时性的学习体验:咨询关系的即时性可以为求助者提供有用的學習经验。
- 咨询师的示范作用:咨询师可以示范适应性行为和关系技能,并向求助者提供反馈。
- 适当的反馈:适当的反馈可以从“我”开始,后跟具体的非解释性陈述。
- 移情:移情是指求助者将咨询师视为父母(或其他重要人物)。
- 反移情:反移情是指咨询师以父母(或其他重要人物)的方式回应求助者的移情。
- 公开讨论:移情和反移情通常需要在发生时被公开讨论。
- 抵抗:抵抗可能涉及求助者对治疗过程的表面不合作或直接回避痛苦的问题。
- 处理抵抗:处理抵抗的一个好方法是提高对方对自己观察到的情况的意识。
- Clarkson, P. & Cavicchia, S. 2014, Gestalt Counselling in Action, 4th edn, SAGE, London.
- Houston, G. 2003, Brief Gestalt Therapy, SAGE, London.
18 using the here and now experience
We all know people who are in the habit of continually complaining about their life situations, and who like to talk at length about the injustices of the world. 1’hey talk about things 'out there’, which are apparently out of their control and are the responsibility of others. Rather than saying, 'What can 1 do to change this situation?’, they use statements with words in them like ‘They should .and ‘They ought to ...’, and ‘It’s disgraceful that they don’t . Such people often go over the same ground again and again. It is almost inevitable that they will fail to move ahead, because no one can change a situation that is not within their own sphere of control. Do you ever behave like the people we’ve just described? Do you ever grumble, moan and complain about ‘out there’ things, things that are apparently other people’s responsibility rather than yours? We have to admit that at times we do. TAKING PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY Notice how we started talking about other ‘people who complain in this chapter and are now looking at ourselves. Our guess is that you were more comfortable when the discussion was about others than you were when owning your own ability to grumble and complain. It’s usually easier for us to distance ourselves from our own dysfunctional behaviour and to blame others for our problems. Unfortunately, if we complain about things that other people are doing or not doing, or about external events or situations, we are likely to get stuck in a rut of complaining, and to feel frustrated because we are powerless to bring about change. Conversely, if we focus on what we ourselves are doing, and on what is happening inside us, then we can, if we choose, take action to change what we are doing, or we can change our thinking so that we are better able to accept what is happening. FOCUSING ON THE 'HERE AND NOW' Similar logic to that just discussed applies to the present when compared with the past and future. We have no control over past events; they have already happened and we can’t change them. Similarly, we have limited control over future events; they have not happened yet and we cannot be sure what the future will bring.
Inappropriately focusing on the past or the future is likely to lead us into unending philosophising, complaining and worrying, whereas focusing on the present allows us to make sensible choices for our own satisfaction. The preceding discussion is not meant to imply that it is inappropriate and of no value for a person to talk about what other people are doing, to talk about situations beyond their control or to talk about past or future events. It does imply that there is little point in a person doing these things unless they also focus on what is happening inside them at the present time when they think about these situations or events. The focus in counselling needs to be on what is happening within the person at the moment in question, in the "here and now', if the intervention is to be optimally therapeutic. The need to focus on the here and now is one of the central concepts of Gestalt Therapy (Houston, 2003). Imagine a situation where a young man is angiy about the way his father treated him when he was a child. He could talk about this past relationship time and again and make little progress. However, if the counsellor brings the focus onto what is happening within the person at the time when he talks about the past, then progress is more likely to be made. The counsellor might then tap into anger, resentment and bitterness that is present right now. As the counsellor listens to descriptions of past experiences, it is appropriate for the counsellor to ask the person how he feels as he talks about them. The counsellor might say, ‘Tell me how you feel emotionally fight now, as you talk about those past events’. By doing this, the counsellor brings the focus into the present, and brings current emotional feelings that are associated with the past experiences of trauma into the person’s awareness. They are then able to fully experience those feelings and deal with them appropriately. It is only by experiencing these emotional feelings fully that the person will be able either to reduce them or get rid of them, or to discover ways of dealing with them constructively.
HELPING THE PERSON TO FOCUS ON THE PRESENT One way of bringing a person’s focus into the present is to watch their non-verbal behaviour and to tell them what you notice. Alternatively, you might ask a question about what they are experiencing emotionally. For example, their eyes may become watery as they recount some past event. Sensitively interrupting with the words, ‘I notice the tears starting to form in your eyes’ or ‘Fell me what you are experiencing emotionally right now’ is very likely to bring the person more fully in touch with their present internal experiences. It can be useful to give a person permission to take time, to stay With their feelings and to experience them. In that way they are allowed to cry if hurting, are allowed to express anger if angiy and are allowed to own whatever other emotions are being experienced, so that they can move forward into a more comfortable space. If this is done, gradually they will learn to allow themselves to experience their feelings rather than to deny them. This learning in the counselling situation will hopefully extend into their daily life and enable them to be more responsive to their feelings generally. Therefore, they will be enabled to deal with their feelings as they arise rather than letting them build up to an intolerable level. 'NEGATIVE FEELINGS' As discussed in Chapter 23, a common cause of distress is an inability to properly and appropriately express 'negative’ feelings towards others. For example, for many people the expression of anger is repressed from childhood. Whenever small children get angry their parents tend to say, ‘Don’t behave in that angry way. Don’t throw a tantrum/ As a result, the child learns, incorrectly, that it isn’t appropriate to express anger towards others even when an angry reaction is justified. Unfortunately, blocked anger often leads to depression, anxiety or stress. What is Worse, if we don’t let other people know how we feel towards them, or how we feel about their behaviour, then we prevent ourselves from having fully functioning, open and genuine relationships. Bringing issues out into the open and discussing them enables emotional feelings to be expressed, rather than suppressed with the pretence that they don’t exist. The immediacy of the counselling relationship can be used to demonstrate how feelings can be shared in a constructive way that enhances rather than damages a relationship.
MODELLING In the immediacy of the counselling situation there is a real-life relationship between the person seeking help and the counsellor. A skilled counsellor will naturally model adaptive and constructive ways of relating, and will also help the person to explore feelings that are generated by the counselling relationship. By learning to explore these feelings and bring them into the open, the person learns appropriate ways to deal with the feelings generated by relationships with others, and hence is likely to improve the quality of their relationships generally. Imagine that by carefully observing the non-verbal behaviour of a person seeking help, a counsellor suspects that they are angry with them. 1 he counsellor may have noticed, for example, an angry look flash across the person’s face. However, because it is easy to misin teip ret non-verbal behaviour, it is important for the counsellor to check out whether in fact it was an angry look. The counsellor might say, Tve got the impression that you looked angry then,’ and as a result the person may become aware of anger and may be willing to explore it, or may get more fully in touch with whatever it was they did experience. In this way their feelings are brought into the open and the counsellor can respond appropriately and genuinely so that the relationship with the person is more authentic. FEEDBACK If counsellors are to be genuine in their relationships with those who seek their help, they need to stay in touch with their own feelings, rather than suppress them so that they are not owned. Additionally, a counsellor’s emotional feelings may provide important information about the counselling process. Consequently, by recognising, owning and responding appropriately to their own feelings in the immediacy of the counselling relationship, counsellors may be able to respond more effectively to the counselling process to the benefit of the person seeking help. However, counsellors do need to be careful in sharing their own emotional feelings, particularly if these are not positive, as it is not appropriate for a counsellor to unload their own feelings onto the person seeking help. It does need to be recognised and admitted that some people engage in annoying behaviours. (Consequently, sometimes a counsellor may recognise that they are starting to be annoyed by someone who seeks their help as a consequence of a particular behaviour. When this happens the counsellor firstly needs to recognise and own their feelings, and make a decision about how to deal with these. If the counsellor is not able to deal with these feelings in a way that ensures that they will not adversely affect the counselling process or intrude on the counselling relationship, then the counsellor needs to explore these feelings in supervision with an experienced counsellor. Having dealt with their own feelings, a counsellor may recognise that the person does indeed engage in a behaviour that interferes with the counselling process and may also be annoying to others. In this case it may be useful to give the person feedback in a way that is acceptable to them. This may enable the person to learn how the behaviour is perceived. Then they can, if they choose, change (see Chapter 15 regarding the influence of counselling on the Johan window). Such change might significantly affect the person’s lite in a positive way, because it could be that the way they behave in counselling is similar to the way they behave when interacting with other people in the wider environment. Unfortunately, most people are too polite to give useful feedback to friends, even when their friends exhibit quite destructive and maladaptive behaviours. However, sometimes it is possible for a counsellor to give useful and appropriate feedback in a respectful way. HOW TO GIVE FEEDBACK Imagine that a counsellor was unable to finish a sentence when making appropriate counselling responses because the person seeking help continually interrupted. Initially, the counsellor would need to allow the interruptions to occur and to observe the process. However, after a while it might be appropriate for the counsellor to give the person some feedback. 1 he feedback would need to be given in a gentle way that enabled the person to feel respected rather than attacked. In giving feedback, a counsellor in this situation might say, ‘Right now I’m starting to feel concerned because I’ve noticed that I’m not able to finish what I’ve started to say’. I he person might discover that their tendency to interrupt was interfering with the communication process, and they could, if they wished, change that behaviour. Obviously, this type of feedback would need to be given in such a way, and at such a time, that it was as non-threatening as possible and acceptable to the person. In any ensuing discussion, it might be helpful for the counsellor to ask the person whether they have noticed any problems occurring when they are talking with other people. By doing this the person might start to explore the way they communicate in their work and social situations, and recognise the usefulness of making changes. When giving feedback, it is sensible to avoid starting a sentence with the word ‘you’ because this is almost certain to be seen as attacking and lead to a defensive response. Instead it is preferable to use an T statement. Additionally, it is often use fill to start with the words 'Right now’ so that the statement is heard in the context of the present moment. A typical feedback statement will often have one of the following structures: Right now I feel... because ... I feel ... when ... !'m [puzzled, interested, concerned, or some other feeling word] because I've noticed that... By starting with words that describe how they are feeling, the counsellor is open and honest in their relationship with the person. Hopefully this openness will make it easier for the person to hear and accept what is being said. After describing the way the counsellor is feeling, a feedback statement continues with a concrete statement of fact. Consider the example previously given: "Right now I’m starting to feel concerned because I’ve noticed that I don’t seem to be able to finish what 1 am saying’. The statement after the word "because’ is a concrete statement of fact describing exactly what the counsellor noticed, it is not an interpretation. An example of inappropriate feedback in this situation would be to say, ‘I feel irritated when you interrupt me because you don’t want to listen to what I’m saying’. This statement would be likely to result in the person feeling criticised and attacked, because the word "irritated7 implies blame. 1 he statement also involves an interpretation of the person’s behaviour, which might be quite incorrect. As counsellors^ we need to be careful not to include interpretation in feedback statements. When giving feedback we do need to recognise that it is possible that the person may respond negatively and defensively. If this happens, the immediacy of the counselling relationship will be brought into sharp focus. This provides an opportunity for the counsellor to explore the person’s perceptions of what is happening in the here and now so that the counselling relationship can be explored and enhanced. 1 he following are some examples of appropriate and inappropriate feedback statements. See if you can decide which are appropriate and which are not, and then check your decision by reading the comments at the end of this chapter.
EXAMPLES OF APPROPRIATE AND INAPPROPRIATE FEEDBACK STATEMENTS Example 1 'You keep coming late to appointments because you don't think it's worth coming for counselling.' Example 2 1 am puzzled because I've noticed that you continually come late for appointments.' Example 3 'You have put a barrier between us because you dislike me.' Example 4 'You are treating me like a father and I'm not your father.' Example 5 'I am concerned because it feels to me as though you are relating to me like a son relates to his father.' Example 6 'Right now I have a shut-out feeling, as though there is a closed door between us.' From these examples and the comments provided at the end of the chapter you will have noticed that appropriate feedback involves the counsellor owning their own feelings in the relationship and sharing these together with a concrete statement of fact. Inappropriate feedback accuses, blames or interprets the person’s behaviour and often starts with the word 'you’. It is sometimes useful to teach a person seeking help how to use ‘I’ statements instead of 'you’ statements. We teach them using the ‘I feel ... when ...’ structure, as this is easy to understand. We also stress the importance of making concrete factual statements and of not making interpretations. Appropriately-given feedback should have the goal of leaving a person feeling cared about, respected and valued. Remember that a counsellor does not need to like a person’s behaviour to be accepting of them. It is not inconsistent to say Tm concerned because you don’t seem to be able to get to appointments on time’ while respecting, caring about and accepting the person as they are. We don’t need to like evervthing a person does in order to care about or like them.
TRANSFERENCE AND COUNTER-TRANSFERENCE l he immediacy of the counselling relationship often raises questions regarding what psychoanalysts in particular, and counsellors in general, call transference and counter transference. Transference occurs when a person seeking help behaves towards a counsellor as though the counsellor were a significant person from their past, usually the person’s mother or father. Naturally, it is quite possible for a counsellor to inadvertently fall into playing the role in which the person sees them. That is, if the person relates to the counsellor as though the counsellor were his father, the counsellor might start feeling and behaving like a father. Such behaviour, on the part of the counsellor, is called counter-transference. It is inevitable that transference and counter-transference will occur at times in the counselling relationship, but provided that this is recognised, brought into the open and discussed, it is not a problem. It would, however, be a problem if it were not brought out into the open, as it is not useful for the person seeking help to treat the counsellor as though they were someone from the past. It may be that in some ways the counsellor is like the person’s parent, but in other ways they are not, and it is important for the counsellor to make the distinction clear. 1 his enables a genuine relationship between the person and the counsellor to be maintained instead of the relationship being inappropriately coloured by the person’s past experiences with a significant other. When a male counsellor realises that transference may be occurring, the counsellor might say, T have an impression that you are relating to me rather like a son relates to his father.’ Where counter-transference is occurring, the relevant counsellor statement, for a female counsellor, might be: 'Right now 1 feel rather like a mother to you.’ The counsellor needs to point out caringly that she is not the person’s mother or any other significant person from their past, and that she is herself — unique and different. As a consequence of bringing the feelings into the open, they may be discussed and dealt with directly, so that an inappropriate relationship does not persist. In situations where the counsellor does not feel as though it is appropriate to bring the transference or counter-transference issue directly into the open, the issue needs to be addressed in supervision. Sometimes a counsellor will not recognise when transference or counter- transference is occurring. It is here that supervision can play an important role in helping a counsellor to recognise what is happening and to explore appropriate ways of dealing with the issue. PROJECTION Through the immediacy of the counselling relationship a person may learn something about their tendency to project characteristics of significant others from the past onto people in their current life. As a result, they may be able to recognise when inappropriate projection onto others is damaging relationships. Usually when a counsellor notices what is happening in the relationship between a person seeking help and themselves, it is sensible to bring this into the open. If as a counsellor you sense that something unusual, different or important is happening in the relationship, it will usually be useful to tell the person what you are observing so that it can be fully discussed and explored. By exploring such material the person is able to learn more about themselves, to realise what they do in relationships and to become more in touch with their emotional experiences and thoughts. As a result, they may be able to move forward and to develop more fully. RESISTANCE New counsellors can be troubled at times by an apparent lack of cooperation with the therapeutic process by the person seeking help. This is called resistance. A good example of resistance is provided by those who come late for appointments or who miss appointments repeatedly. Of course, there may be good reasons for a person doing such things. It is well to be aware, though, that often the explanations given may be more in the nature of rationalisations or excuses than the real reason why the behaviour is occurring. For example, a person may be finding counselling very threatening and worrying, and may, for subconscious reasons, be postponing attending. It is important for the person to realise what is happening so that the real issue is resolved and the person’s fear is addressed. Once again, what the counsellor needs to do is to verbalise what is noticed, rather than interpreting this. Resistance may often involve the person deflecting away from talking about important issues when these are painful. Once again, the most useful strategy is for the counsellor to give feedback of what is noticed by saying something like, ‘I notice that you change the subject whenever you start to talk about ...7 AN EXAMPLE OF RESISTANCE As part of our private practice we have trained and supervised other counsellors. We encourage trainees to make DVD recordings of some of their counselling sessions for use in supervision. David has noticed that on numerous occasions trainee counsellors would come to supervision sessions and tell him that unfortunately they hadn’t been able to make a DVD of a counselling session as promised. They would then give him a very convincing reason why it had been quite impossible for them to make the DVD: ‘Oh, 1 couldn’t find a blank DVD’, or ‘The machine jammed when I put the DVD in’, or ‘I put the DVD in and unfortunately 1 pushed the wrong button and it didn’t record’, or 'Unfortunately somebody else booked the camera before I did, as I had forgotten to book it’. Of course, all of those 'excuses’ were valid. They were all genuine. I he trainee counsellor was at no time lying but was being genuine and honest. However, resistance was usually uncovered when David said something like, ‘I notice that for three weeks vou have been unable to make a DVD, and have had perfectly good reasons. However, 1 am puzzled by this because you are a very capable person. I am wondering what happens emotionally inside you when you think about making a DVD.’ Giving feedback in this way often enabled a trainee to explore more fully what was happening, and as a result it was often recognised that it was threatening for the trainee to produce a DVD and, yes, if they had made a little more effort, it would have been possible to have produced the recording. David never needed to say, ‘You must produce a DVD next week . Rather, just drawing attention to what he had observed was sufficient to overcome the trainee’s resistance. DEALING WITH RESISTANCE If a person is repeatedly late, or has missed several appointments in a row, it can be useful to draw their attention to what has happened. It may be necessary to say, ‘Yes, 1 have heard your reasons and 1 understand and believe them, but 1 am still left wondering whether at some other level something else is happening. I am puzzled that you should be late so often.’ Resistance can, of course, take many forms. Sometimes resistance blocks a person from exploring a particularly painful area in their life, and as a counsellor you may feel frustrated by such avoidance. However, in our opinion, it is important to explore the resistance rather than try to burst through it. There are differences of opinion here, however, as some counsellors believe that directly breaking through the resistance is preferable. We prefer the opposite approach, probably because, while being integrative counsellors, we do have a special interest in Gestalt Therapy theory and practice. We explore resistance by drawing the person’s attention to what is happening. We might say, ‘1 notice that whenever you mention (a particular subject) you quickly change the subject. My guess is that it is too painful to talk about (the subject in question).’ The person is then able to experience the avoidance fully and usually something important will emerge spontaneously. If it doesn’t, then we might ask the person what they are currently experiencing emotionally. As a result they would probably be brought in touch with what it felt like to avoid exploring a painful area of their life and consequently might decide how to deal with their avoidance. Alternatively, they might say, ‘I’m not prepared to explore that really painful area of my life. To do so would be like opening up Pandora’s box. It’s far too scary for me.’ We need to remember that they have a right to make that choice and to leave Pandora’s box closed. If that is what they choose to do, we respect their wishes. USES OF THE 'HERE AND NOW' EXPERIENCE In this chapter we have dealt with the ways in which the immediacy of the counselling relationship can be used to: 1 help a person to focus on their own behaviour, inner feelings and thoughts in the present, rather than focusing on past behaviours or on the behaviour of others over which they have no control 2 help a person to learn to own and deal with their emotional feelings as they arise; this includes owning and dealing with so-called ‘negative’ feelings towards others 3 give a person constructive feedback, in an acceptable way, with regard to inappropriate behaviours that result in negative feelings in the counsellor and may annoy others 4 help a person to recognise and deal with the human tendency to project the characteristics of significant persons from their past onto others 5 help a person to deal with their own resistance. An effective counsellor will verbalise their observations of what is occurring in the immediacy of the counselling relationship so that an opportunity for personal growth by the person seeking help is promoted. Hopefully, what is learnt from the counselling experience will be carried into their everyday life. COMMENTS ON EXAMPLES OF APPROPRIATE AND INAPPROPRIATE FEEDBACK STATEMENTS Example 1 Inappropriate feedback: The statement is threatening as it starts with the word you'. The words 'because you don't think it's worth coming for counselling' are an unverified interpretation of the person's behaviour. Example 2 Appropriate feedback: The counsellor starts with an ' statement which describes how they feel: 'I am puzzled'. A concrete statement of what has been observed is then given: 'You continually come late for appointments'. The counsellor does not attempt to interpret the person's behaviour, but merely states what has been observed. Example 3 Inappropriate feedback: The statement is inappropriate because it consists of a 'you' statement, which could make the person feel attacked. Moreover, the counsellor is interpreting the person's behaviour. The statement 'You dislike me' is guesswork and could be wrong. Example 4 Inappropriate feedback: An inappropriate statement starting with "you' that could be received by the person as a put-down. Example 5 Appropriate feedback: This statement starts appropriately with an T statement of the counsellor's feelings: 'I am concerned'. Instead of accusing the person by using a you' statement the counsellor gives information about how the relationship feels for them. Compare this statement with Example 4. It is very different. Example 6 Appropriate feedback: Notice how in this statement the counsellor's own feelings are described rather than blaming the person for putting up a barrier. Compare this statement with Example 3.
Learning summary Talking about the past and the future, and about other people, is not constructive unless the person also focuses on the 'here and now' experience. Staying in the 'here and now', and focusing on current experiences, emotional feelings and thoughts, is therapeutically useful. The immediacy of the counselling relationship can be a useful learning experience for the person seeking help. A counsellor can model adaptive behaviour and relationship skills and give feedback to the person seeking help. Appropriate feedback can start with feel followed by a concrete non- interpretive statement. Transference is when a person seeking help treats the counsellor as a parent (or significant other). Counter-transference is when the counsellor responds to a person's transference as a parent (or significant other). Transference and counter-transference usually need to be brought into the open when they occur. Resistance may involve a person's apparent lack of cooperation with the therapeutic process or direct avoidance of painful issues. A good way to deal with resistance is to the raise the person's awareness of what is being observed. References and further reading Clarkson, P. & C'avicchia, S. 2014, Gestalt Counselling in Action, 4th edn, SAGE, London. Houston, G. 2003, Brief Gestalt Therapy, SAGE, London.